Where everyone is Welcome!

                            Calendar Dates- What's on.


1st                    Mini Olympics

2nd                  Arc by Erth Excursion Yr 4-6

5th                   AFL Girls Gala Day Yr 3-6

8th                   Feast of St Mary of the Cross - Whole School Mass 9.00am

12th                 Bunnings - Garden Incursion

12th-16th       Science Week & Anti Bullying Week

14th                 SAC Meeting 7.00pm

15th                 Feast of The Assumption - Whole School Mass 9.00am








Ever-generous God,

You inspired St Mary MacKillop

to live her life faithful

to the Gospel of Jesus Christ

and constant in bringing hope

and encouragement

to those who were disheartened, lonely, or needy.

With confidence in your generous providence

and joining with St Mary MacKillop, 

we ask that you grant our requests…

We ask that our faith and hope

be fired afresh by the Holy Spirit so that we too,

like Mary MacKillop, may live with courage,

trust, and openness.

Ever-generous God, hear our prayer.

We ask this through Jesus Christ,



From the Principal

Dear Parents and Families,


Today was another celebratory day at St Philip’s as all students’ particpated in our own Olympic Games. Thank you to Mrs Sherriff for organising the day, including the activities and awards, and supporting our sports leaders. Thank you also to Lindsay Mitcham for giving up his time to be part of our Olympics day. Lindsay introduced the students to fencing and provided them with a demonstration and coaching session. It was a day of fun and excitement, underpinned by good sportsmanship and team spirit.


Last Friday we celebrated Grandparents and Special Friends Day. This was a joyous occasion enabling students and their families to share time in the classroom and to share morning tea. All students took part in baking cakes and muffins as their contribution to morning tea. Their engagement in the preparation and on the day was an opportunity for them to deepen their understanding of hospitality and the strength we all gain from community. 


On Tuesday, it was International Friendship Day which coincided with our 100 Days of School celebration. The opportunity to share this day with our international students provided time to share time together and deepen new friendships. 


Celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation 

Some of our students from Grade 6 received the Sacrament of Confirmation on Tuesday night. We cogratulate Belinda, Jane and John on this special celebraton and milestone in their faith journey. Our thoughts are also with other students who are going to be confirmed later this month.


Student Learning Conferences

Last night’s Student Learning Conferences provided opportunity for discussion between teachers, students and parents about students’ future learning goals. If you were not able to attend last night, please contact your child/ren’s classroom teacher to organise a meeting. 


Melbourne Archdioicese Catholic Schools School Improvement Surveys (MACSSIS) 

Today you recevied a letter explaining the Melbourne Archdioicese Catholic Schools School Improvement Surveys (MACSSIS). As indicated in the letter, the data collected from the survyes is important in providing insight into the school’s performance across all aspects of school life. Data is collected using online surveys, Further information regarding your participation will be sent in the next couple of weeks. 


School Closure Day

Our next school closure day is planned for Monday 9 September. The focus of this day is Religious Education. 


2025 Enrolments 

Enrolments for 2025 are open. If you are aware of anyone who has a child who will be commencing in Prep in 2025, please encourage them to apply.


Warm regards,

Michelle Worcester




All of our students have been registered for this  years challenge.

If you are participating, please logon with the details you have been provided

and record the books you have completed. We will then verify them online.

Happy Reading!


Grandparents and Special Friends Day.

It was lovely to welcome Grandparents and Special Friends to school last Friday morning.

The students enjoyed sharing their learning with their guests and we all enjoyed morning tea.

AFLW Player Visit

On Monday Sophie Locke & Mikayla Williamson from Hawthorn's AFLW team visited our school. They spoke to our students about the process involved in becoming AFLW players, the training involved to get on the ground and the fun associated with playing football. Sophie & Mikayla also presented our Yr 5/6 girls with their St Philip's Football jumpers that they will wear for the AFL Girls Gala day they are competing in on Monday August 5th.

The AFLW players Sophie and Mikayla came to our school and told us about their experiences when they played football. These are some things they said;  they have a healthy diet always but sometimes they enjoy special treats too.  Another thing is how badly they get hurt, they get hurt a few times but luckily not too much. Rosie
The AFLW players #21(Sophie Locke) and #27(Mikayla Willamson) came to St Philip's on 29/7/2024 to talk about what it is like to be a football professional. I‘ve learnt that they train to get fit and stronger, also they get injured but never give up. Capucine

The AFLW players, Sophie and Mikayla came to St Philip’s and told us about the experiences they had, how they became professionals, their diet etc. They told us that sleep, exercise and food were the most important parts because they needed to have enough energy to play and strong legs to kick. We got to take photos with them while holding our footy jumpers. They said the number on my footy jumper was lucky, my number is 21! Carol


The AFLW players Sophie and Mikayla visited St Philip’s on Monday and told us all about footy. They said that food was the most important thing to eat before a footy match. They also presented the 5/6 girls with their footy jumpers for the Girls Footy Gala Day. My number was 17. Norah


100 Days of School and International Day of Friendship

On Tuesday we celebrated being Brighter due to being at school for 100 days in 2024 and International Day of Friendship. The children came to school in Bright coloured clothes and shared lunch together.


100 Day Writing

Yesterday we made the 100 Day chart. I liked the 100 Day chart because you could put your favourite things on it.

By Theodore


Yesterday was 100 Days of School. I came dressed as Cinderella. We got our faces painted and we had to choose from a fox, cat, lion, dog, crown, butterfly or chicken. I chose to have my face painted as a cat. I really liked it.

By Seah


Yesterday was the 100 Days of School. I wore colourful clothes. My favourite thing was eating the sprinkle sandwiches. We also ate ice cream while watching a movie.

By Reet


Yesterday was the 100 Days of School. I wore an astronaut spacesuit with an extra layer on top. I liked the fairy bread. We watched the Bee Movie, it was good.

By Dominic


On the 100 Days of School Seah, Alexa and I were playing princesses. I came dressed as Rapunzel. Everybody wore a costume to celebrate the 100 Days of School, it was an awesome day.

By Tiffany


I liked the fairy bread.

By Adam


I liked the fairy bread. I liked eating the ice cream. I like to go to the playground. I enjoyed my lunch. I enjoyed The Bee Movie. My teacher helped me to make the hand-painting.

By George











Please read the attached document.



Art Room

We are seeking donations of glad wrap/foil cylinders and strong boxes, Shoe box size and strength would be great, no cereal boxes please.


Please drop off items to the office.


Thank you.



Cake Raffle 

We appreciate our families volunteering for cake raffle bringing joy to the children at assembly every week. The weekly cake raffle will be drawn at Assembly on Friday mornings. To support this fundraiser we ask for volunteers to provide a sweet treat (eg; cake, slice, cookies, cupcakes etc) to be raffled.    Please sign up for Term 3 to bake using the following link https://volunteersignup.org/PDHLA

Bakers required for the following dates 9th, 16th, 30th August, 6th, 13th, 20th September.

All donations of baked goods require a list of ingredients attached.

Raffle tickets are 20c each and sold at the beginning of assembly.

Thank you for your support







Tuck Shop


Tuckshop is without a doubt the highlight of the week for the children. This would not be possible without our small team of committed volunteers showing up week after week. We need one extra mum or dad to add to our amazing team of volunteers to help with only one Friday per term from 11.30am - 2.30pm. Please reach out to Clara on 0449 767 020 or Angi on 0431 021 711 if you can help.

 We appreciate your support.




Entertainment books are another piece to our fundraising puzzle. When you sign up you receive 12 months of discounts and offers - and our school benefits - 20% of every membership purchased goes to support our school! 





Rosella's Netball Club

Net Set Go Program - Learn how to play Netball.





















Our Lady Of Sion College