Classroom Stars and Achievers

Stars of the Week
Luka W
For always showing Kindness in the classroom (Rick D3)
Jaxon H
For showing Kindness and Respect (Holly D4)
Chloe M
For writing additional sentences in her narrative!!! Well done, Chloe😊 (Miss Hannah D5)
Paityn A
For completing all set tasks and always offering her help and support to others (Miss Woodfield/Miss Kennedy M1)
Angie Y
For showing respect by being honest (Mrs Brown M2)
Raiden S
For his focus in Writing. Well done! (Claire M3)
Hudson M
For being a wonderful helper (Mrs Jones M3)
Airlie McG
For challenging herself in Maths. Keep up the great work! (Miss Muller M4)
Noah W
For helping his peers by sharing problem solving strategies. Well done, Noah! (Jaymie M5)
Outstanding Achievers
Ayla C
For her hard work during writing (being able to edit and add more detail). Well done Ayla (Lauren B1)
Ainsley C
For making great choices in preparation for her learning (Troy B3)
Jett H
For increasing his effort during handwriting (Mr Loader B4)
Addyson S
For challenging herself when learning about transformations in Maths (Jessica B5)
Braxton J
For challenging himself during Maths this week. Well done, Braxton, for giving all tasks a go! (Rebecca S3)
Seth C
For his amazing effort in Writing this week! Well done, Seth (Rebecca S3)
Jackson W
For trying his best in our fractions unit (Mr Bell S4)
Goraav N S2
For showing incredible support for his friend (Katherine/Miss Wood Physical Education)
Harry P M5
For being an excellent friend in PE (Katherine/Miss Wood Physical Education)
Lyla W M2
For her positive attitude in PE every week (Katherine/Miss Wood Physical Education)
For showing perseverance and confidence when learning to sew in Art (Mrs Bleicher Visual Arts)
For showing perseverance when making cardboard armatures for their sculptures (Mrs Bleicher Visual Arts)
For a great week in STEM (Mr Brown STEM)
For a great week in STEM (Mr Brown STEM)