Visual Arts

Prep to Six Term Three Visual Arts Newsletter
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Welcome back to Term 3! We trust you had a rejuvenating and wonderful break. As we embark on the new term, we are eagerly anticipating the exciting journey ahead in Visual Arts!
Please ensure your child brings a Brown Art Portfolio to store their work.
Stay connected with all our latest updates through various channels such as Compass, Facebook, our weekly newsletter, the school website, and Seesaw.
Should you have any queries or require assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.
What are we learning in Term Three?
This term in Visual Arts, Foundation students will explore various areas including recognizing and drawing basic lines, patterns, and shapes, using primary colours to create artworks, manipulating construction materials to express ideas, exploring printing techniques for textural effects, and describing and identifying ideas in viewed and created artworks.
In Visual Arts, this Term, the Year One students will cover different Visual Arts areas. Students will create artworks from simple two-dimensional shapes, lines and patterns. Students will use art media and tools effectively. They will be given the opportunity to identify primary and secondary colours. They will experiment with different materials to express ideas. Students will share and discuss artwork with the class.
In Visual Arts, this Term, the students will cover different Visual Arts areas. Students will create artwork using the elements of line, space, colour and texture. They will identify primary colours and create secondary colours. Students will follow instructions and processes to complete an artwork piece. They will present, discuss and provide feedback on their own and others artwork.
In Visual Arts, this Term, the students will cover different Visual Arts areas. Students will use their imagination to design and produce creative pieces of art. They will follow art making processes to achieve the desired product. Students will apply art media and techniques when creating artwork. They will construct a three-dimensional art piece demonstrating skill acquisition. Students will also display, discuss and evaluate their own and others artwork.
In Visual Arts, this Term, the students will cover different Visual Arts areas. Students will learn to interpret art works creatively. They will use a range of mediums and materials effectively. Students will learn to select and apply techniques and processes. They will also discuss, evaluate their own and others’ visual artworks.
In Visual Arts, this Term, the Year Five students will cover different Visual Arts areas. Students will interpret and produce art works creatively. They will explore and develop techniques and processes to create artworks. Students will use a range of mediums and materials effectively. They will learn to refine artwork in response to feedback. Students will learn to use specific art vocabulary to describe how ideas are expressed in artworks.
In Visual Arts, this Term, the Year Six students will cover different Visual Arts areas. Students will competently plan and express ideas for artworks. They will learn to use art tools competently to refine technique. Students will learn to apply a range of media and materials effectively. They will follow art making processes to produce a desired task outcome. Students will learn to contribute to both individual and classroom discussions using appropriate language.
Adele Schofield,
Visual Arts Teacher