Friday 13 September
Year 9 Health Challenge Day Presentations | 9:15 am and 11:00 am
Thursday 19 September
3 Way Conferences | 3:30 - 6:30 pm - Onsite
Friday 20 September
3 Way Conferences | 9 am - 12:30 pm - Online Student FREE Day
Year 9 Camp - Final Payment $850 Due
End of Term 3
Year 9 & 10
Awards Assemblies
Friday July 19
Congratulations and well done to the Year 9 and 10 students who received awards for Semester 1. It was truly inspiring to see the dedication and commitment exhibited by these students.
Awards included Academic Endeavor and Excellence, Grade Point Average, Instrumental Music and Koorie Student Program.
The awards represent a unique aspect of the students' academic accomplishments and highlights the diverse talents and achievements of the students, and we are proud to celebrate their success.
As Semester 2 progresses, we eagerly await the opportunity to celebrate the hard work and dedication of many more students, for their outstanding achievements.
Year 9 Woodworkers Team Building
Ryan Rodolico and Matt Thomas from Year 9 Woodwork, have been busy constructing the latest LHS workbench. When asked how sturdy and strong he thinks the bench is, Matt said “Dunno, I wouldn’t trust it”.
The final piece of the Tech Area’s recovery from the flood 18 months ago, was finding a home for one of our benchtop pedestal drills.
After doing an awesome job of their Semester 1 Woodwork practical projects, Matt and Ryan were hungry for a project. With the support of a number of other Year 9s, they produced the structure of the workbench.
Both Matt and Ryan agreed the hardest part of the project was cooperating, and working side by side. But the woodwork teaching staff all agree that Matt need not worry, the bench is as sturdy as they come!
Thomas Martin
Technology Teacher
Year 9 Community Sport
As part of the Year 9 Community Sport elective, students are tasked with creating and presenting a range of physical activities for other members of their wider community. This allows them to continue to build on their leadership skills, such as teamwork, problem-solving, initiative and communication.
On Tuesday August 13, they presented their games to grade 3/4 students at Rolling Hills Primary School, and we felt it was a great success for the Year 9 students to not only showcase their skills but also to build meaningful connections with younger students in the community.
Year 10 Formal
Friday 16 August
Year 10 Formal was an amazing experience for all of the Year 10’s. There was amazing music, and everyone had a great time dancing. Dance circles were made, the macarena was played, and even the nut bush. We had professional photos taken by some amazing photographers. The food was very delicious. We had 2 different pasta options for the entre, a pesto gnocchi and a pumpkin tortellini. We then had our main, and it was a choice of a steak or marinated chicken. We then had dessert which was mon tart, or a apple and blueberry crumble with ice cream!
There were some gorgeous dresses and everyone looked amazing! We’ve heard reports from the teachers that this year's formal has been the best dressed formal they’ve had in many years.
As a year level, we would like to formally thank the teachers who have put so much time, effort and care into making this night amazing. We would also like to make a special mention to Mr Bourne and Miss Kelso for making our formal night one of the most memorable moments of our lives.
Alannah Peet and Tayla Allan
Year 10 Captains
Important Reminder
Arrive to SCHOOL on TIME
Students should be arriving at school no later than 8.30 am. This gives them time to put bags in lockers and organise their books and resources for Periods 1 and 2 and go to Home Group by 8.40 am.
Students who arrive late to school are REQUIRED to sign in at the Middle School Office to receive a pass to go to class.
We ask that parents and carers provide a parent note on Compass or hand written note for the late arrival. Alternatively, a message can be left on the School Absence Line 9735 5644.
Middle School Coordinators