Parents & Friends' (PFA)

We hope everyone has their dancing shoes ready for a disco tonight! Its going to be a night full of fun. If you haven’t already purchased your tickets make sure to get onto Try Booking as fast as you can. Remember, we will have sausages for sale as well as soft drinks and of course the kids favourite…. snow cones!! Cash and eftpos will be available. 

We will have our recycling bins available for all cans, plastic and glass bottles. These will be recycled through the 10 cent recycling program and all proceeds go towards school fundraising. 

Thanks so much to Anna-Marie and Bec who have been busy organising this event and thanks to all the junior parents who are volunteering their time this evening. We hope everyone who attends has a great night. The link is below:


Our local matters jar is in Grill’d in Carnegie for the whole month of August! Only 21 more days to get your tokens added to the St Anthony's jar. Please pay Grill’d in Carnegie a visit in the next three weeks to cast your vote for our fantastic school!

Hopefully all families have a very enjoyable night this evening.


The PFA Team.