Education in Faith

And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.”


In the same way, after the supper he took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.


Luke 22:19-20


We have been so fortunate to celebrate another Sacrament of the Catholic church, with a number of our Year Four students completing their First Holy Eucharist. We are so proud of all of these students! This extends to our entire cohort of Year Three and Four students, who have done a fantastic job in learning about and unpacking this Sacrament and supporting their peers. 


What is the Eucharist?  


We understand the Eucharist as the part of Mass where the bread and wine are given out. However, Year 3 and 4 students thoroughly unpacked the historical context of this practice too. 


The Eucharist stems from the Last Supper. Students understand that this meal was not in fact called this at the time! It only became to be known as this because of the events that took place. 


Students actually unpacked how this meal was a Jewish Celebration of Passover. Many people over the city would have gathered to celebrate with their family and friends! Students thought about their own understanding of a celebration, and reimagined where this meal might have taken place in modern day! 


 We understand that for this meal Jesus chose a quiet room at the back of a house. This is because he knew he had some vastly important words to share with his disciples. 


Jesus knew he would soon be arrested and die. Within this he knew that his mission on Earth would need to be inherited by his disciples and followers. 


He set out this tradition of Bread and Wine being his Body and Blood. In this way Jesus assured his followers that he would be with them, to empower them to act in a way he had done his entire life. 

Students further understand that they cannot act exactly like Jesus, no one truly can! They unpacked though how we can spend our life trying our utmost to emulate the values that Jesus lived each day. We know these include patience, love, compassion, forgiveness and so much more.  


Students turned to the Bible, and the literal words of Jesus. Year 3/4s found words that resonated with them, and that they believed were helpful in thinking about how to act like Jesus. These are proudly displayed at the front of our school at present for everyone to see! 


We understand that the act of blessing the bread and wine at Mass, takes these simple items and makes them holy. They become the Body and Blood of Jesus, and they better empower us to leave Mass and act as the Lord did. We understand this process is called transubstantiation, which is a bit of a mouthful of a word! 


Our Retreat and Sacrament 


Last Friday all students in Year Four completed their First Eucharist retreat.  This was a lovely day, where students were able to continue to pray, reflect and learn together. 


Students created stunning pieces of art, which reflect the symbols of Eucharist, but are also full of very bright colours. These colours might make us think of the light of Jesus, and how his actions and words lead the way for us. These beautiful pieces of work were used to decorate our church during the Sacrament, and will be used to further decorate our school office.  

It was so special having all Year Four students together to celebrate and work together, and as aforementioned those not making their Sacrament still have a wonderful understanding of its significance. The day was made just that little more special as well with a pizza lunch! 


The Sacrament of Eucharist 


Last Sunday was a wonderful morning, and the fact that the sun was shining for us was such a lovely touch as well! 


Candidates began Mass by introducing themselves to the full church. They carried forth the gifts and received both the Bread and Wine. Students were walked to the altar by a guardian, and felt the support from their families and friends. They were so reverent and reflective, and all in attendance were just in awe of their composure and performance! We bless and congratulate our nine candidates from 2024: Nathan, Lily E, Lily H, Chiara, Samantha, Lucas, Vivienne, Theresa and Esha. 


Please enjoy some images of the wonderful celebration below: 


As always, stunning celebrations such as this do not come together with just one person, but rather a team of selfless and inspired people. We make sure to thank and congratulate them as well! 


Thank you to our wonderful principal Mrs Margaret Carlei who always leads us with such engagement and support. To the Year 3/4 team, including Mrs Lorigan, Ms Luisa and Mrs Simic, who have guided our students in learning and reflecting about the Eucharist. The Parish Choir and Band, who make masses and celebrations so special with their music, led by Ms Veronica Blair who supports with all Sacraments and works so wonderfully with students. Father Leenus and Father Pat for continuing to be such gentle and warm presences in the lives of our students and supporting them for this entire journey. Finally to our parents, families and entire community we are so blessed to have you all and for the support you give to our students. 


We look to our Eucharist candidates and their enthusiasm to act with kindness, love, empathy, trust and forgiveness. May we follow their lead and that of the Lord. 


Take care!


Tim O'Mahoney 

Education in Faith Leader