
Throughout Term Four, students will be completing learning experiences covering a variety of topics in the field of Mathematics. Throughout each unit of study, we will continue to upskill our students by developing their strategies through the proficiencies of Problem Solving, Understanding, Reasoning and Fluency (SURF). The students will engage in a range of hands-on and rich learning tasks that deepen and challenge their thinking. Concepts to be focused on in Term 4 include:  


  • Chance:

Students will explore real-life and everyday events involving Chance and use appropriate language to describe the probability of those events. They will also conduct Chance experiments such as rolling 2 to 3 dice and investigate dependent and independent chance events.  


  • Location & Transformation:

Students will extend their understanding of shapes and explore the different ways they can be viewed by flipping, sliding or rotating them. They will continue to strengthen their locational language and the ability to follow directions, use and create maps. 


  • Geometric Reasoning: 

Students will be learning about different types of angles and how to use a protractor to measure them accurately. They will measure a variety of different angles they see around the classroom and compare them to a right angle. 


  • Pattern & Algebra:

This concept will see students accessing their knowledge of the four operations and applying them with flexibility. The learning tasks will involve them identifying patterns and solving the unknown numbers in various forms. In addition, students will learn about the order of operations to further develop their arithmetic skills. 


To support your child at home, encourage the following tasks:

  • Watch the nightly weather forecast and ask your child to listen out for chance language Eg: 70% chance that it will rain tomorrow afternoon.
  • Ask them to map out their walk to the local park. 
  • Show them a variety of maps that are used in daily life Eg: Melways road maps, phone GPS, google maps etc.
  • Go on a symmetry and pattern hunt around the house with your child. 

Key Vocabulary to support your child’s success in Mathematics:

  • Probability
  • Transformation
  • Chance
  • Certain and impossible
  • Direction
  • Coordinates
  • North, south, east, and west
  • Degrees (angle)
  • Acute, right, obtuse