Principal's News


Dear Parents & Parishioners,


Apple TV +'s Ted Lasso is a series filled with symbols, but few were as powerful as Ted's 'Believe' sign that hung in the locker room. The series follows an American Football coach who is hired to help a struggling English soccer team.  Despite being a sports-based show, it has something for everyone, from its laughs through to its thought-provoking symbolism that speak to everyday struggles.  The Believe sign was Ted's way of motivating the players.  While it seemed silly at first, it soon became a rallying point for not only the players, but also the team's coaching staff, and even Ted himself who often struggled with his own problems off the field.  

At its heart, Ted Lasso was a show about perseverance, and doing one's best in every endeavor, even if that isn't enough to succeed. Early on in the series, it became clear that Ted's can-do attitude wasn't enough to turn the team around on its own, and his Believe sign was looked upon with a fair amount of skepticism. However, as his fellow coaches and players got to know Ted better, they too began to see that the sign was a symbol of Ted's approach to life, and it began to wear off on them.

During Monday's Assembly I spoke to the students about perseverance and that we all have the capacity to beleive in ourselves and our peers.  Similarly, the way of the Collingwood Football Club's coach, Craig McRae, is to emphasise what's next, rather than focusing on what's been.  In only two seasons as senior coach of the game’s most visible club, the understated McRae has taken the Magpies far further than they themselves expected. And he has achieved this on the back of a coaching philosophy that can be summarised thus: keep looking ahead.  And isn't this what we want from all our children, to look ahead and to believe?

School Improvement Framework

Earlier in the year I wrote that as part of the School Improvement Framework, once every four years every Catholic School undergoes Review.  During 2023, for example, approximately 25% of Catholic schools - inclusive of primary and secondary - in the eastern region of Melbourne have or will be reviewed.  Our Holy Redeemer is one of those primary schools.  All schools engaging in school review embark on a continuous, collaborative process through which a school community identifies the strengths and challenges of the organisation and uses the information as a basis for making deliberate, positive, cohesive and observable changes in measurable student outcomes. 

Last week we began the first stage of the Review, while this week we entered the second phase.  Our Reviewer is employed by National Curriculum Services.  National Curriculum Services are engaged by MACS for the purposes of School Reviews.

Our Reviewer, Gavin Healy, will hand down his report in the next month.  His report will guide the development of  our next School Improvement Plan (SIP).  The SIP is a central document used by the School Leadership team to map out our strategic plans for the continued development of the school. The SIP is based on OHR's established values and sets out the actions and resources needed to achieve the objectives.

Digital Safety & Wellbeing

Once again, our students in years 1 - 6 will be participating in livestreams covering a variety of topics under the umbrella of digital safety.  The interactive livestreams are hosted by our digital partner, "Inform & Empower'.  A snapshot of the topics can be viewed below.  As you can see, the content becomes increasingly sophisticated as the students progress through the year levels.


These sessions aim to help children better navigate the online world and become more aware, clever, brave and kind. 

Throughout this year our students have focussed on topics including: navigating unwanted contact, cyberbullying, help-seeking strategies, unsafe content, balancing screen time with "green time" and sharing personal information. While Foundation (Prep) students do not participate in live streamed sessions, they have been exploring the basics of the online world through guided activities.

As a school, participation in this digital safety and wellbeing program forms part of our ongoing commitment to child safety.

e-Safety: Conflict & War

The tragic situation unfolding in Gaza and Israel is rapidly deteriorating into a humanitarian crisis.  The media, in general, and social media are sharing some disturbing images and content portraying human suffering.  Please refer to Mrs Canty's article on the Student Wellbeing page which provides some strategies on how parents can manage this content with their children.  

2023 Swimming Program

Make sure that you go to the PE News page to obtain details of this year's Swimming Program, which commences in just two weeks.  It's time to locate those swimming caps and goggles!

Buses will transport the students to and from PLC on each day of the program.

Kids Disco is Tomorrow Night

Only one day to go until the annual Kids Disco!  So get your platform shoes on, dust off the sequin jacket and get ready to boogie.  

Details can be found on the PFA News page.

Working Bee

This is a friendly reminder that our last Working Bee for the year is scheduled for Sunday  22nd October from 8:30 - 10:30am.   Within that time we will also have a sausage sizzle.

Please bring along wheelbarrows, rakes, shovels, loppers, and petrol or electric blowers.

If you are able to assist, even for part of the time, it would be greatly appreciated.  Feel free to bring along your children - they can either help out or play with their friends.  

For task planning and catering purposes, please confirm your attendance to either of our Working Bee coordinators, Justin or Luke:

OHR Twilight Christmas Celebration

The PFA have planned an exciting OHR Twilight Christmas Celebration to fall on the evening of Friday 1 December.  The evening will commence with Christmas Carols sung by the OHR students (Mr Bode has already commenced preparation with our students). There are also many other events planned for the evening which the PFA will communicate over the coming weeks.  So save the date!

OHR Colour Run ... Three Weeks to Go!

Thank you so much for supporting our school. This term, we are hosting a Colour Explosion School Fun Run to help us fundraise for the PFA.  All PFA funds go directly back to the school to benefit our students.  Most importantly, the Colour Explosion School Fun Run will be a fun and exciting day for our students.

When is the Colour Explosion School Fun Run? We will be hosting our Colour Explosion School Fun Run during the afternoon of Friday 4 November. Make sure students bring a WHITE T-shirt to wear during the Fun Run. They will be covered in non-toxic, biodegradable colour powder from head to toe!

Volunteers will be required on the day.  More details to follow.

Is the powder safe? The non-toxic colour powder is made of high-quality corn starch and permitted food colours, so it’s safe for skin and eyes. Students with asthma are advised to be careful in their decision to participate.

How does my child fundraise? Fundraising is easy – simply follow the instructions outlined in your child’s sponsorship booklet, which they received at the end of las term. Your child can accept donations online by creating a cybersafe fundraising profile at 

We ask that you assist your child to create their online profile page.


More details can be found on the PFA News page further in this newsletter.

Summer Uniform

All students are reminded to attend school in their full summer uniform from this Monday 16 October.

Term 4 School Closure Days

  • Melbourne Cup Weekend - Monday 6 & Tuesday 7 November
  • 2024 Planning Day - Monday 27 November

Wishing everyone a great weekend,
