Environment and Sustainability 



In the past eight years we have improved in ‘leaps and bounds’ with the way we refuse to have food packaging at our school. Most children at our school are now totally rubbish-free and it is because of the commitment of parents and students to embrace the sustainability and environment education we have spread across our whole school.


We have a saying at GPS: School food is NOT party food!


It is a simple saying and a simple reminder of what (and what not) to have in daily lunch boxes. Unhealthy food in plastic packaging is not only unhealthy for our children and over-priced, it is reckless human behaviour as we strive to protect the natural environment of our great home (planet Earth).


So please, if you can, support your child to be totally rubbish-free with healthy food every day. Trashy food like chips, chocolates and lollies should not be daily school food items. And also please remember, students should only be drinking water at school. 


Yours in Education


Tim McRae

Coordinator for Environment and Sustainability at GPS