PFA News

Welcome Back to Term 4!

Hope you have all had a great holiday and feel rested and ready for Term 4. 

It's going to be fun and busy! 


PFA Meeting

Our first PFA meeting for Term 4 will be on Wednesday 11th October- Senior Campus Staffroom, 7.30pm. ALL WELCOME. At these meetings we try and forward plan the terms' events and chat about all things fun at GPS! There are usually treats :)



Time to order your delicious tray of mangoes. Trays are 4.5kg of juicy mangos and are $26 per tray.  Ordering closes 24th October. This is a great little end of year gift for a friend or neighbour. Click here to order


Family Fun and Colour Run!

Sunday October 29th 12pm - 3:30pm

The day will kick off at 12pm with GPS talent showing us what they can do...The Grand Final of ''Gardenvale's Got Talent'' will be held, along with a whole school Art EXPO showcasing the student's artwork they are completing throughout their time at GPS. 

Also, performances by the GPS dance troupe, Rhythm Nation and the Senior Choir.  There will be a Sausage Sizzle,  Cake Stall,  Lolly Stall and a Colour Crazy Store to provide some great accessory options for the Colour Run!


Colour Run

The day will finish with a big colour bang!  Registered participants will complete an obstacle course around the school whilst being bombarded with coloured powder (corn starch). There are two rules:

  1. Wear a white T-shirt at the starting line
  2. Finish plastered in colour!

Each online student registration ($20) includes entry to the Colour Run for the student AND their parents/guardians (up to 2 adults) and a sports headband. 

You may register non GPS siblings in the same house as your GPS child. 


If you obtain sponsers, participants will also receive a pair of coloured sunglasses to wear in the race.  Additional amazing prizes will be provided for those raising the most funds via sponsorship.  It will be a wonderful, colourful, family event which we hope you will all embrace. 


Here is the link to register your child/children, just follow the prompts to register, and then for them get sponsored by others: