Principal's Report

Welcome to a very busy, exciting and what will be a most productive Term 4! Here is a snapshot of some of the main events and happenings for this term: - 

  • Tuesday 11th October - Year 4 – 6 Division Athletics
  • Sunday 22nd October - Year 3 Working Bee
  • Sunday 29th October – Family Fun Day
  • Monday 23rd – 26th October – Scholastic Book Fair
  • Monday 30th October to Monday 13th November - Year 3 to 5 Swimming Program 
  • Tuesday 14th – Friday 24th November - Prep to Year 2 Swimming Program 
  • Wednesday 1st November - 2024 Prep Parent Information Evening  
  • Monday 20th November for a fortnight - Year 6 Transition Program 
  • Wednesday 22nd to Friday 24th November - Year 3 Camp 
  • Friday 24th November - Year 4 – 6 Swimming Carnival 
  • Tuesday 5th December- Whole School PPD – Pupil Free Day
  • Friday 9th December - Billy Carts Grand Prix 
  • End of Year Reports and 2024 Class Formations 
  • Monday 11th December – Year 2 Final Assembly
  • Tuesday 12th December - School Concert 
  • Thursday 14th December - Year 6 Graduation 
  • Wednesday 20th December - Last Day of School Year 

Footy Day

We all enjoyed a fun day celebrating our football allegiances on Footy Day on the last day of Term 3.  A big thank you to the following people for helping to make the day a success:

  • Aviva Cohen and Josh Hewitt, along with Matilda and Ned (Sports Captains) for their work in hosting the special assembly.
  • All House Captains for their contributions to the special assembly and for helping to organize the equipment.
  • All the staff that pitched in and helped set up and run the activities 
  • Julie Pitts for organising the assembly and Meng Tan for taking on the role of sound engineer! 
  • The PFA and parents for organising and helping with the lolly stall!

It was certainly a fun way to finish off the term! 


Open Streets Program

Gardenvale PS has been selected to be involved in the Open Streets Program. We are partnering with Bicycle Network and Bayside City Council to trial Bicycle Network’s Open Streets initiative at Gardenvale Primary School.  Open Streets aims to create a safer space for students riding, scooting, and walking to school. 


On Friday 13th, Friday 20th and Friday 27th October, we will be opening Landcox Street outside both campuses to walking and cycling only during drop off (8.15am – 9.15 am) and pick up (3pm – 4pm) times to create safe and healthy space for families arriving at the school gates. There will be fun activities held on the street for children to play, ride and scoot around before and after school. Tomorrow, via Compass, you will receive more information about this initiative.


Staff News

It was so lovely to hear the news, that Tom Pitts and his partner Kate, welcomed the birth of their little girl, Hazel Dawn, on Friday 15th September. 


We congratulate Nathan Grant on his wedding to his fiancé, Olivia, in Vermont, USA on Saturday 23th September.

Sad news

We were very sad to hear of the passing of our remarkable neighbour, Jim Arkell, on Monday 18th September.  For many years Jim, who served with the Australia Army in WW2, has attended our ANZAC Day assembles and recited the Ode. Jim was part of our school community and our children loved calling out ‘Hi Jim’, as much as Jim loved hearing it! Jim, at 101 years young, was an inspiration to us all, he lived a full life, driving himself to bowls, remaining in his own home, enjoying time with family and friends and pancakes at Zest. We are all the better for knowing Jim! 

2024 School Year

Our Prep enrolments are now complete for 2024. We are now asking parents to inform the Office in writing if their child/children will be leaving Gardenvale PS at the end of this year (not current Year 6 students). This will greatly assist planning and ensure we have accurate projections for class structures, planning and room allocations.


Looking forward to a great term,

Janine Hall