Prep News

From Julia, Prep teacher 


We have been working on fair sharing to start the term, dividing quantities into equal groups. We’ve learnt that sometimes we have leftovers that we can’t share out, because that would make the sharing unfair! We've been strawberry picking, feeding chickens, and baking cookies after reading The Doorbell Rang by Pat Hutchins to practice sharing out. We have even experimented with dividing some of the leftovers into halves and quarters so that they didn’t go to waste! Please use any opportunity at home to work on this concept as it is quite a challenging one - incidental learning is great!


In Reading, we have been practising recognition and correct spelling of tricky words through some fun rotations like playdough-word making, tricky word colouring, rainbow-rice writing, whisper-phone reading, magnetic letter spelling, and more! We have then reinforced this through practising writing them in Writing sessions. Tricky words are those which aren’t perfectly transparent as we decode them but do have reasons for this (they may have one or two vowel sounds that don’t use their most common sound, or pronunciation may have changed over time)!  We have been explicitly explaining the spelling of these words to help students make informed decisions when reading and writing. See if you can spot some of these tricky words in books you read at home (lists will be in folders on Seesaw) or practice them on Nessy.