Kitchen & Garden News

Spring has Sprung!

On the Menu

Week 9 - Apple and Berry Galette with Handmade Butter Pastry.

Week 10 - Potato and Rosemary Pizza with Spring Garden Salad


Quinton and Lauren
Quinton and Lauren

Reflections from 5D

"In cooking we have been learning about cup measurements and different ingredients. Overall this term has been great, I have learnt new facts about ingredients and had lots of fun making and trying different food. Some of my classmates have enjoyed cutting, mixing, eating, kneading and trying new food! Over the term we have made pide, lasagna, egg noodles with yellow curry, mie goreng, lentil curry, spiral pies and for this week an apple galette. Yum!" - by Lauren 5D


"This term of cooking has been great. I really enjoyed cooking and how we got to cook and then produce food that was homemade. The thing I enjoyed eating the most was the homemade lasagne, the chocolate beetroot cake and the curry egg noodles that we made in Week 8. Our group Parsley also enjoyed most of the food including the lasagna and the pide bread. We overall had an amazing time preparing all the food and thought all the food was good. I am excited for cooking next year Term 2"- by Quinton