Year 4 News

From Georgia, Year 4 teacher

Gardening and math

Year 4 began gardening - luckily, it wasn't raining this time! Here are a few photos from the beautiful NMPS garden. We are looking forwards to connecting with nature and learning about the different types of plants around our school.


In Reading, Year 4 have been working on synthesising. In synthesising, we build on what we already know. First, we use our prior knowledge, then we learn new information and write about what we knew and what we have built on to it. We used many forms of media, including books, videos and news articles. An example is: I already knew that geology was a study of rocks and earth, but I learnt that fossils, gems and minerals were also included in geology! I also learnt that it takes billions of years for some rocks to form. Now, I have synthesised some new knowledge and made some new connections.
by Aaron S & Leni F, 4A



Last week, we began our second half of the semester and in this article, we will share what has happened so far in math this term. We have been focusing on worded problems based on multiplication and division fact families. Every class in Grade 4 started by making a chart to display different strategies to help solve M and D (multiplication and division) problems. We learnt the different vocabulary that indicates which type of problem it is. 
Once the second week began, our teachers gave us worded problems that we had to solve using the strategies that we learned in the past week. On Tuesday, not only did we get worded problems, but we also got some open-ended questions that opened up a whole new range of difficulty for us students. 
Overall, it has been a great experience for us to open up new pathways to success in Maths.                                                    
by Raghav M, Audrey F and Andrej K, 4B