Class News

Bongil Bongil Ride/Naidoc Celebrations

A fun day of learning and movement was had at Bongil Bongil for our Stage 3 students. Sincere thanks to Kevin, Elissa, Aunty Glenny, Shelley, Taleah, Rhawnie, Mamalu, Natalia, John McQueen, Vikki, Pam and the fabulous staff of Stage 3!



Scholastic Book Club 2023– Issue 5


Your child is bringing home Issue 5 of Scholastic Book Club today. For every book that we order the school gets points towards buying books. More orders equals more free books for our Library, so this is a great way to support your school. There are 2 ways to order:

  1. Fill out the paper catalogue with your child’s name, class and selected books marked clearly. Students place the order and payment in an envelope, in the office mailbox located at the top of the stairs. Payment can be made using cash, cheque (made out to Scholastic, NOT Boambee PS), EFTPOS/School Website (POP).
  2. Online parent LOOP ordering. Simply log in to and either sign in if you have used the system before, or register. You will need to add each child’s first name and last initial and select their school and class from the list. Click on ORDER and enter the item numbers from the catalogue. LOOP orders are submitted with the school orders after the return-by date and are delivered to the school. There is no need to send anything in to school. For more information, contact Miss Adams for a flyer.

Issue 5 orders need to be placed by Friday 23rd of September, 2023. Online LOOP orders will also close on this day. 


Miss Adams

Teacher Librarian

Boambee Public School