PBL Focus

Our new PBL focus is being a safe and respectful friend in the playground. Students are working through school expectations and scenarios to discuss:

  • Keep your hands to yourself
  • Have a plan 
  • Be kind

PBL Awards 

Congratulations to the following students who received a PBL award at Friday's assembly:


KH - Luca Casey

KT - Indiana Browett

1L - William Foster

1D - Isla Hanlon

2H - Kobi Edwards

2B - Ryan Jordan

2/3RM - Mckenzie Raven

3P - Liam Arnold 

3N - Hunter Wiggins

4S - Charlotte Cormick

4G - Nate Campbell

5M - Riley Atkins

5B - Ryan Morton

6G - Atticus Beynon-Whitelaw

6D - Braxtyn Lynwood