Principal's Report

Principal's Message
Strategic Planning
During Term 4 this year we will be completing a situational analysis in order to identify our strategic focus for the next 4 year plan. Having achieved so much success with student wellbeing and academic outcomes our energy and investments will largely stay the same.
The main adjustment will be energy and resources directed towards high school transitions. Transitions to high school will start at a younger age and a strategic partnership with Toormina High School is already being developed. This will include shared professional learning and our Boambee Public School teaching and executive staff being present within Toormina High School to a much greater degree. The result will be that our students will have more successful transitions to high school.
Our community of schools is developing a team to join us on this journey, this team will provide parent and student voice. Please join us for our next P&C Meeting on October 23 if you wish to have your say. Paul Humphrey, the Toormina High School Principal will join us for this meeting. The P&C meeting starts at 6 pm in the Boambee Public School office. Please lock this in your calendar.
Father's Day Breakfast
It was fantastic to host a huge crowd of Boambee families for the Father's Day breakfast. We were blessed with more great weather. Thank you to all of the staff who helped cook and prepare 200 + bacon and egg rolls. Special mention to Sam Bull in the front office who is continuing to provide reliable and thorough support for our special events and our educational delivery from the front office.
Disco Time !
If you intend to come to the disco please get your notes back ASAP!
TOM 2024
We are collecting information for Tournament of Minds in 2024. This will help us know how many teams and the categories we need to cater for. If you would like your child to participate please register via the link below.
Home Learners
Congratulations to these Stage 3 Learners. These students have been recognised for their efforts to extend their learning at home. This is a life changing choice and every one of these students will enhance their academic progress as a result. They have been rewarded with a $20 book voucher from the Book Warehouse.
If you did not get a chance to meet with your child's teacher as part of our interview process please make contact with them via Seesaw to book another meeting time. The more informed you are of your child's learning goals the more you will be able to help them at home.
Principal Awards
Congratulations to the following students who received a Principal Award at Friday's assembly:
Jack Thompson - KH
Excellent work habits and being a great friend!
Ezra Keipert - 3P
Reflecting on his learning goals during all Literacy and Numeracy sessions.
Jesse Castor - 1L
Showing compassion and kindness to others.
Attila Sullivan - 5M
Commitment towards home learning.
Noah Watkins - 2/3RM
Confidently and consistently using a range of strategies independently to read unfamiliar words.
Piper Grundy - 1D
Piper always strives to achieve her learning goals to the best of her ability.
Frankie Baker - 1D
Being an empathetic, polite and caring student. Frankie consistently displays excellent class citizenship skills.
Amaya Seager - 6G
100% home learning participation and demonstration of their learning goals each week in their Maths home journal.
Bronte Doyle - 6G
100% home learning participation and demonstration of their learning goals each week in their Maths home journal.
Ava Burnett - 6D
100% engagement in Mathematics Home Learning Journal.
Liam Gosling - 6D
100% engagement in Mathematics Home Learning Journal.
Ava Phillips - 3N
Mahli Plummer - 5M
Aamber Rovere - 6D
Outstanding leadership during the Book Fair.
Harper Long - KH
Harper consistently uses Nunguu's Choices when faced with a challenging situation.
Finn Darrington - 2B
Finn strives to achieve his learning goals in writing and maths.
Declaration for Child Related Work
It is a Child Protection requirement that the school gets all volunteers to complete the attached form. If you volunteer at the school, please either print the applicable form below or call into the office for a hard copy. Your assistance with this very important matter is greatly appreciated.