
Assembly Awards

Bluey The Lizard


Assembly Awards

Aussie of the Month - Courage

Congratulations to Eddie on receiving the September Aussie of the Month award for being Courageous - to willingly step out of his comfort zone.



Well done to Valerie and Eddie, both received Student's Student of the week awards.

Valerie for being a good friend and trying hard in her learning.

Eddie for being a good school captain and friend to others.



Staff's Student of the week went to Evie-Lee and Sophie.

Evie-Lee for always using her delightful manners.

Sophie for consistently supporting and encouraging her peers' learning.



 Two Bronze awards were also given out at this week's assembly, congratulations Lindsay and Sophie.



Bluey the Lizard starting a fresh!

Bluey the resident lizard gave us a bigger surprise than usual last week when we found him/her shedding his/her skin on Monday!

He/She seemed to shrug off the old grey skin over the course of the day and was proudly showing off his/her new shiny and slinky coat as he/she was basking in the Spring sunshine. Nature never ceases to amaze and intrigue.


Celebrating our Super Special Seriously Stupendous Support Staff

This week is School Administrative and Support Staff Recognition Week, a time to acknowledge and thank the often unsung heroes in our public schools. Our SAS staff play an important role in the school community. They are often the first people you see when you enter a school and are essential to maintaining positive relationships with students, parents and the community. SAS staff work in school offices, in classrooms and libraries and maintaining and caring for school grounds and buildings. They are often the ones to tend to students when they unwell and they ensure the efficient management of school financial and administration functions. On behalf of all the students, teachers and school community, I would like to thank you so very much for all that you do. You are a super awesome support staff and we would be well and truly lost without you. Thank you.