In the Classroom


Science and Technology

Taste Testing in Health

In Health we were looking at the 5 different taste receptors. Sweet, sour, salty, bitter and umami (savory).

To add an element of surprise (and entertainment for me!) the taste testing was a blind taste test with the students being blindfolded and tasting different foods from each group to try and identify the food and which taste family it was from.

The students tried honey for sweet, gherkin for salty, Vegemite for umami, lemon for sour and fortunately for them they were saved the coffee grains for a taste of bitterness!

The facial expressions were priceless and who would have thought that Chanse’s least favourite was honey!! Eddie loved this activity, requesting numerous times to do this activity again in the future with lots more foods to try. I personally think I could have a lot of fun with this – brussel sprouts (poor brussel sprouts do get a bad wrap!), maybe I could slip in some coriander as no body in their right mind could enjoy that or some hot chili flakes........ any suggestions parents?



Experimenting with Force in Science and Technology

In Science and Technology the students have been looking at the phenomeno of Force.

K-2 made a car launcher and experimented with the different amounts of force that objects can be placed under and the effects this has on the distance and speed an object may travel. 

The students found it interesting to see that the heavier and bigger the car the shorter the distance it traveled in comparison to a smaller car under the same amount of force.


Years 3-6 have been learning about force through medieval weaponry such as catapults, the long bow and the ballista. They have made two different types of catapults and are very engaged in learning about the different forces that an object is under using the different types of catapults.