Secondary School Information

Mount St. Joseph Girls’ College Altona invites you to explore our faith and learning community at one of our Open Events in 2023
A reminder that enrolment applications for Year 7 in 2025 close on 18 August 2023. Apply online HERE or contact the College Registrar, Mrs Sherri Collins for further information.
Contact details: or phone 8398 2007.
Welcome back to MSJ - Alumnae Reunion
Students and former teachers from the Class of 1973, 1983, 1993, 2003, 2013 are warmly invited back to the College to celebrate their anniversary milestones.
Saturday 21 October 3:00pm - 5:00pm.
We also invite any students who graduated in the 1960's.
Please RSVP by Wednesday 18 October. Click on this link HERE to register your interest to attend.
A part of our Mission here at Emmanuel is compassion, respect, justice, and responsibility and as such, we value the connections that we have with our community. One of these connections is between our students and those at our local Catholic Primary Schools. Our VCE-Vocational Major students at NDC have commenced a wonderful initiative, working with some Grade 6 students from our feeder schools. The first visit was to paint planter boxes and plan what vegetables and herbs they would like to plant in the Harmony Garden; they also enjoyed a special visit from Ziggy the therapy dog who had a calming influence on everyone that he met.
Year 12 VCE VM students attended St Mary’s House of Welcome in Fitzroy to cook breakfast and connect with the homeless. This initiative is a great learning experience, opening the students’ eyes to the world around them and an opportunity to give back to their community. We thank St Mary’s for their continued connection with Emmanuel and providing our students the opportunity to show gratitude and appreciation while offering a valuable experience for Melbourne’s vulnerable.
Book Week is the libraries’ most anticipated event for Term 3. Each day, books and reading were celebrated to this year’s theme ‘Read, Grow, Inspire’. Year 8 students attended an author talk with Martin Chatterton, who had the entire year level captivated as he drew pictures of students, talked about ‘writing from your own experience and the future of writing in an AI world’. Activities that included painting pots and rocks, Giant Jenga, Kahoot, paper craft and origami workshops made Book Week 2023 a fantastic week for everyone that participated.
Year 7 2025 Applications
Applications for Year 7 2025 officially closed on Friday 18 August 2023. If you would like your child to be considered for a place in Year 7 2025, please contact the College Registrar as a matter of urgency.
If you have an older child that already attends Emmanuel or a child commencing Year 7 in 2024, it is a requirement for an application to be submitted for your child in Grade 5. If you have missed this closure date, it is essential that you are in contact with the College Registrar as a matter of urgency. To obtain a Prospectus Pack including an application form, please select one of the following:
- Call our College Registrar, Ms Donna Grech on 8325 5119
- Visit the College website or use this link: Request a Prospectus here
- Collect one from either campus office between 8:00am and 4:15pm weekdays
- Send an email request to
The following link will take you to our most recent edition of Liberations Magazine.
Please feel free to pass this on to your families.