Junior School News 

  • From the Head of the Junior School
  • Junior School Sport
  • From the Junior Resource Centre

From the Head of the Junior School


We were thrilled to welcome Mrs Williams back from Long Service Leave this week and to hear all about her trip to Japan. Thank you to Mrs Doheny and Mr Proudfoot for taking such good care of 6 Red in her absence.


Personal Development and Health

In preparation for our upcoming Swim and Surf programs later this term, our Year 5 and 6 students are currently learning about sun and surf safety. We're looking forward to seeing our students put their knowledge into action and that they have a fantastic time while staying safe by the beach, and in the pool.


Film Studies 

Years 5 and 6 are diving into an exciting new unit of work in English - Film Studies! They are exploring the magic of cinema, learning about storytelling through film, and developing critical thinking skills as they analyse movies. Students will be discussing plot, character development, film codes and conventions. 


Movie Review

Congratulations to Felix Keeler (5 Gold) for this wonderful review of the movie, How to Train Your Dragon.


Whilst the cricket season is well underway, our softball, basketball and touch teams made it back on the paddock last Saturday.  I was able to see a couple of exciting touch games and especially enjoyed watching Pius v Pius in the basketball.  I’m looking forward to catching up with our softball and cricket teams over the next few weeks.  Please see Mr Ryan’s Sport’s News for results plus everything you need to know about this Saturday’s teams and venues.


Congratulations to this week's Merit Award and Blue Fide winners for their outstanding conduct and positive contributions to our school community this week.









There has been a recent increase in the number of students bringing lollies, chocolates, and soft drink to school for consumption before, and between, lessons. While we understand the appeal of these treats, we are concerned about the potential impact on our students' health and focus. We kindly request your support in encouraging your children to make nutritious choices and to limit the consumption of sugary snacks during school hours.  Most students report that they make their purchases at Woolworths after they get off the train.  We thank you in advance for your support.



Thank you to the students in 6 Gold who sat the ACARA Civic and Citizenship Assessment on Monday.  They are to be congratulated for their patience when a technical hitch threw a spanner into the works.  A big thank you also to Mrs Doheny for her assistance and the ICT team for their expertise.



I was thrilled to host our newly appointed Class Captains at morning tea in the college boardroom yesterday. The students shared their ideas about their goals for their term and gave me some feedback on how we can enhance the role of Class Captain in the future.  I look forward to watching these young men in their leadership roles over the term.


Please save the date:  Monday 27 November from 12:45 pm for the inaugural Junior School Graduation Liturgy and Morning Tea.  In the meantime, can you please upload a Kindergarten (or first year of school) photo via this link:  https://forms.gle/zsYTHx3N92DNrg6e9 Thank you to those families who have done so already.



Year 6 Graduation Liturgy and Afternoon Tea

Monday 27 November.


St Pius X College Annual Awards Day

Tuesday 5 December.


Christian Brothers Centre

1 Dreadnought Road, Oxford Falls



Thank you everyone for your continued support of the Junior School.

Mrs Jill Greenwood - Head of the Junior School

Junior School Sport

Fixtures Saturday 21 October

2023 Sport Choice Form: Just a reminder to Year 5 parents that the 2023 Sports Choice form needs to be completed by this Friday, 20 October. If you haven’t received the link, please contact me via email. bryan@stpiusx.nsw.edu.au.  


Training expectations (Basketball): I have been really pleased with the energy and enthusiasm being displayed by the boys at training last week and this week. I know the coaches have been impressed with the commitment. Unfortunately, there have been several boys who have missed at least one training session already this term. It is important that all boys are able to make their specified training morning unless an alternative arrangement has been discussed with me. I understand that there may be other factors that impact on training before school. Naturally any boy who simply does not turn up without prior communication may jeopardise their place in his team. Of course, this will be a last resort.


Basketball Training: Just a reminder of the training details for the remainder of the season:

  • A, B teams: Tuesday mornings from 7:30 am – 8:30 am (Indoor court)
  • C, D, teams: Monday mornings from 7:30 am – 8:30 am (Indoor court)
  • E, F teams: Monday mornings from 7:30 am – 8:30 am (Outdoor court)
  • G, H teams: Tuesday mornings from 7:30 am – 8:30 am (Outdoor court)
  • Blue 1, Blue 2, Gold 1, Gold 2 teams: Thursday mornings 7:30 am – 8:30am (Optional session on the Outdoor court) 

In the event of bad weather, we will do our best to run multiple groups on the Indoor court. However, this is not always possible due to the large number of Senior teams also using the space.


Thursday Sport: Summer training continues for Basketball, Cricket, Softball, Tennis and Touch Football.

Term 4 Swim Program: All students will take part in a specialised program, as per the schedule above in lieu of regular Thursday Sport. Year 5 will attend Macquarie Uni Aquatic Centre for a pool-based program and Year 6 will attend Dee Why Beach for a Surf Skills program. Students are required to complete the respective forms that have been issued this week. Thank you to those Parents/carers who have already submitted the grading form (Year 5) or completed the online waiver (Year 6).

  • Macquarie Uni Grading Form (Year 5 students) – a hardcopy form has been distributed to students.
  • SEA Australia Waiver (Year 6 students) – Year 6 parents only, please click here.

Swimming Squad Training – Term 4, 2023: It was great to see several Junior swimmers attend training on Monday 16 October at Chatswood Fitness First. Those that were part of Swimming Squad in Term 1 are invited to resume training. Where boys have basketball training before school, they need to make this a priority unless they have seen me in the first instance to make alternative arrangements. Students wishing to take part are expected to attend majority of the 10 sessions, as we strive to build a strong squad culture. Either Ms Proc (Senior Swimming Coordinator) or myself will be in attendance during each session. 


Training details:

  • 7:10 am at Fitness First, Chatswood (24 Endeavour St, Chatswood) 
  • Suitable swimwear, goggles and swim cap are all essential (no cap, no swim)
  • Students wear PE/ Pius Sports Uniform to the sessions. At 8:15 am the boys are walked back to school by staff. They then change into school uniform. A snack/breakfast is also recommended at this point.
  • Training days/dates:
23 October24 October
30 October31 October
6 November7 November
13 November14 November

IPSHA Sport Results

Mr Ben Ryan - Junior School Sports Coordinator


A sunny start for NSTA Tennis 

The Bureau of Meteorology forecasts a sunny 26 degrees for the start of the NSTA Summer competition this Saturday. While the weather looks ideal, please ensure a successful start to the competition by: 

  • checking the draw to see where and who you are playing against. The draw can be checked in Woodchatta, as well as, the NSTA CANVAS page.
  • arriving at least 15 mins before the start of your match
  • checking you are correctly attired. Students must wear the blue College sports shorts, with the SPX Tennis shirt and the College (Tennis) cap.

There is a tennis meeting this Friday morning to ensure that students know exactly where they are playing and who is playing in their team for that weekend. 

If you have any questions about the competition, please contact me at kkeighery@stpiusx.nsw.edu.au.

Mrs Karen Keighery - NSTA Tennis Convenor 

From the Junior Resource Centre

This week’s Highlights

Horror calls you! Yes YOU!

The JRC has a huge collection of Horror novels and Graphic novels for you to hold and read. As you wander further into each terrible tale, fear will grip you, fright will freeze your brain and you will not want to turn the page.

But you must!  Because the horror will call irresistibly to you. It will say, 'Come, see how petrifying I am! Imagine the ghastliness of what is about to happen! Turn the page! Turn the page! Borrow me please?'

So, enjoy yourself. May the hairs stand up on the back of your neck and ruin you collar. May your skin creep and crawl right off your bones. May your ... well, you get the idea.




Are you looking for something a little scary to read next?  Look no further!  Below you will find some of the creepiest thrillers available in the St Pius X Junior School Library.

New Books in the JRC

Don’t you just love a great book stack? Watch this space, more new arrivals to come!






Name that Villain!

In preparation for our spooktakular festivities, the students are invited to enter the Name that Villain competition!

Fill out a guessing sheet with the name of the book that each villiain can be found in. For an extra bonus, name the character. Drop you answers into Mrs Martin in the JRC for a CHANCE to win a prize! Remember to keep the answers TOP SECRET.

Yours Sinscarily Mrs Martin


Mrs Martin’s Book Trail: This Camp is Doomed by Anna Zobel

A great Aussie middle grade novel. It’s quirky, spooky, funny and unexpected. The characters are interesting to say the least, especially the teachers! Will they solve the mystery and survive! Ideal for readers aged 9 and up.



Mrs Elena Martin - JRC Teacher Librarian