Chaplains Corner

“Welcome everyone to term 4! Can you believe we’re in October-nearly time for Christmas shopping…….well not quite!!!!

In the last couple newsletters, we’ve been talking about anxiety. What it means to flip your lid and the FEEL”method to Help a child through anxiety.  Today  we’re going look at personifying  worry. 

3. Bring your child’s worry to life

As you probably know, ignoring anxiety doesn’t help. But bringing worry to life and talking about it like a real person can. Create a worry character for your child. Maybe Wanda the worrier. 

Wanda personifies anxiety. She lives in the old brain that is responsible for protecting us when we’re in danger. Of course, sometimes Wanda gets a little out of control and when that happens, we have to talk some sense into Wanda. You can use this same idea with a stuffed toy or role-playing at home.

Personifying worry or creating a character has multiple benefits. It can help demystify this scary physical response children experience when they worry. It can reactivate the logical brain, and it’s a tool your children can use on their own at any time.


Kind regards



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