Principal Class News

COMPASS Calendar of Events


A Message from Mrs McKenzie


What a fantastic start to the term we have had!  It has certainly been a busy start, but it has been wonderful seeing so many children's work over the past two weeks.  I am impressed by their willingness to persist, push themselves and set goals to extend their learning.  Go kids! I am excited that I will be Acting Principal at Cranbourne South until the end of Term 2 next year.


A reminder that Terms 1 and 4 are hat terms, even if the weather is wet like today!  It is part of our sunsmart policy that all children must wear a bucket hat during play times.  All children without a hat are required to play under cover outside the office.

Late passes and school times

A reminder that our school times are 9-3.30pm and if your child arrives or leaves school outside these times, they need to go to the office to collect a late pass.  Please be aware that staff are only roster on duty before school from 8.45-9am and after school from 3.30-3.45pm.  If you are having difficulty collecting your child, for any reason, please let the office know so that we can bring your child to the office to wait safely.


Kiss N Go signs in cars

It has been great getting out to Kiss N Go each morning and afternoon.  A reminder that I am still wearing my "L plates" and don't know all the kids, cars or faces yet (but I am trying VERY hard!).  If you could please make sure that you have your child's name displayed clearly on a sign placed on your dash/held up, or even roll down your window and shout!  This will help us get your child quickly and keep the cars moving!  It has been great to start getting to know the families, and I am enjoying hearing your taste in music as you go past!  We have some great classic rock fans!

Setting Your Child Up for a Great Day at School!

We have had lots of children very unsettled after the holidays, and we thought it might be a great time to give you some easy ideas about how to set your children up for a great day at school.

  1. Set a regular bedtime (no later than 9pm!)
  2. Stop devices at least an hour before bedtime so brains can relax and prepare for sleep. 
  3. Keep devices out of bedrooms so that late night/ middle of the night gaming, internet browsing etc can't happen
  4. Eat breakfast, even on the go in the car (a museli bar, a piece of toast, a piece of fruit)
  5. Start a routine on your way to school that signals that it is a school day- a favourite song you can all sing together in the car, a game in the car (eg. I spy) or even a word or number game

Childhood Anxiety

We have a lot of families with anxious children at the moment, and its helpful to know that other's are going through the same battle some mornings as you. The Royal Children's Hospital has some great ideas and information to support families and provide useful resources.  We hope this helps!  Kids Health Info : Anxiety - primary school aged children (


Have a great weekend,
