Classroom News

Foundation Miss Bennett
Wowwee here we are at WEEK 10!! Can you believe it? What an amazing Term these Foundies have had with so much to celebrate and be proud of.
In the past two weeks we have been so busy practicing for the production and getting ourselves 'show ready'. Miss Bennett is so proud of everyone and how amazing they are on stage! Total SUPER-STARS!! We have also been learning 'sharing equally' in Maths, practicing caring for God's world by doing a daily clean-up for Religion and loved wearing blue and having a sausage sizzle for PBIS celebration on Tuesday.
We have have had so many wonderful experiences this term which include:
- F/1 Fun Day Out to the Kyabram Fauna Park
- Swimming Week
- Science Week
- R U OK? Day
- Football Coaching
- Grandparents Day Whole- School Mass
- 100 Days of Foundation
- Excursion to Aladdin
- Jump Rope for Heart
- Magician Excursion
- Circus Challenge Show Incursion
- Book Week
- Our amazing production!!!
Grade 1-2 Miss Hayes
Grade 2 Sleepover:
We had such a fund time at the Grade 2 sleepover so we thought it was only fitting that we shared our favourite moments:
Carter | Watching Mario Super Bros movie |
Daphne | Watching Mario Super Bros movie (when he meets princess peach) |
Hudson | Watching Mario Super Bros movie |
Phoebe | Going on a night-walk |
Ryder | Winning the Pass the Parcel |
Alex | Watching Mario Super Bros movie (The start where they mess up the plumbing) |
James | Minions movie this morning |
Eden | Night walk - looking for Gary the Wombat |
Lani | Going to sleep! |
Sydnee | Pass the Parcel and the Minions movie in the morning |
We are very excited to share our production show with everyone this week! We thought we share with everyone our favourite parts:
Ollie | My favourite part is the whole thing! |
Daphne | My favourite part is when Lani (The Queen) slips on a skateboard. |
Hudson | My favourite |
Phoebe | My favourite part is the camels. |
Ryder | My favourite part is when the Queen slips on the skateboard. |
Alex | My favourite part is the camels. |
James | My favourite part is when I say “Crystal got Puss!” |
Eden | My favourite part is when the Queen slips on the skateboard and the guards say “the Queen is down!” |
Lani | My favourite part is when I say “You there are you the Duchess of Tongala?” |
Addison | My favourite part is the cute camels. |
Tully | My favourite part is when I say “make way for the Queen!” |
George | My favourite part is when Tully says “make way for the Queen!” |
Arabella | My favourite part is when Sydnee puts the skateboard down. |
Sydnee | My favourite part is when Daphne (Crystal) and Phoebe (Puss in Boots) wrap Lani’s (the Queen’s) arm up. |
Grade 1-2 Miss Hart
The past fortnight has been an absolute blast! We have had so much fun perfecting our Production dances and skit ready for the show on Thursday. We have also had an AWESOME excursion for our F/1 students and a very successful Grade 2 Sleepover. Although we have had so much fun learning this term and spending time with our friends we are all very excited for the school holidays.
Check out some of the highlights from the excursions we have had recently:
Pass the Parcel - Jaxon
Watching Mario Super Bros movie - Carter
Watching Mario Super Bros movie (when he meets Princess Peach)- Daphne
Watching Mario Super Bros movie - Ben
Watching Mario Super Bros movie - Hudson
Having ice-cream with popping candy - Stevie
Going on a night-walk to find the wombat - Edith
Going on a night-walk - Phoebe
Bobs and Statues in the dark with our glow sticks - Maddy
Winning Pass the Parcel - Ryder
Everything - especially not sleeping at night! - Sophie
Night walk, Bobs and Statues - Zara
Watching Mario Super Bros movie (Bowser’s kingdom coming to Brooklyn) - Liam
Watching Mario Super Bros (The start where they mess up the plumbing) - Alex
Minions movie in the morning - James
Musical Chairs and Ice-cream - Francis
I hope everybody has a happy and safe holiday! We will see you next term!!
Grade 3-4 Mrs Stock
What a busy few weeks we have had preparing for our whole school Production! Everyone has done an amazing job, remembering all their lines and actions for their dances. I am super proud of all the students and excited that they will be able to showcase their learning this week.
The students have shared some of their favourite parts of the performance and songs from the production:
Charlotte: My favourite song is Timber and my favourite play is the Three Little Pigs. I am looking forward to the final song, 'Let it go'.
Yohan: I am looking forward to the play.
Jim: My favourite song is Timber and my favourite play is the Three Little Pigs, when the wolf burns his bum. I am looking forward to when we do our play.
Scotty: My favourite song is the Choir and I am looking forward to being Wah.
Hugh: I am looking forward to our 'Great Southern Land' song. My favourite song is 'Choir'.
Scarlett: I like our bird costumes and I like our song, 'Choir'.
Archer: I love being a bird in the play and our song, 'Choir'.
Colt: My favourite part of the play is me and my favourite song is Timber.
Denzil: I love the bird costumes and our song, 'Choir'.
Max: I love the Choir song and I like it when we all go around in a circle as the birds.
Ella: I am looking forward to doing the performance in front of St. Augustines and my favourite song in 'Choir'.
Jack: My favourite part of the play is throwing the rocks and my favourite song is Timber.
Zeb: My favourite part of the production is all the dancing and my favourite song in 'Choir'.
James: I am looking forward to being a tree in the production and my favourite song is 'Choir'.
Xavier: My favourite song is 'Choir' and I'm hoping that all the Preps do a great job and have fun.
Grade 3-4 Mrs Crosbie
Over the past 4 weeks the students have been engaged in a text based unit using the picture story book 'Fox' by Margaret Wild. Before reading the book, students began by building their background knowledge on the themes portrayed in the text along with the vocabulary. We explored verbs and adjectives along with looking at the word families associated with each word.
After reading 'Fox' students engaged in a drama activity where we connected the verbs in the story with emotions. Students then made connections with the text by comparing details of the text that were similar and different to the real world.
We then explored the images/illustrations created by the illustrator Ron Brooks. Students were given different images from the story and asked to write reflective sentences, thoughts and words associated with the image thinking of all they knew of the story to support their written text.
The students final task was to continue the story from where Margaret Wild had ended and create a different ending.
Here are some comments from the students regarding their thoughts about the text based unit:
I enjoyed the unit because it was fun and I found it challenging. Colman
I liked it because I learnt new words. Cyril
I liked that we had to write a different ending to the story. Hamish
I liked the story of Fox because of the friendship theme it had in it. James
I liked the story of Fox because there were many messages, such as, in real life you can have friendships and they can be broken. Lucas
I really liked the new words we learnt. Noah
I liked how the book was written and that it wasn't computer typed and that it was easy to add onto the end and create our own ending. Riley
I enjoyed writing a new ending to the story. Kane
I enjoyed learning new words. Toby
I liked how the story was written and I thought the pictures in the story were very real. Aria
I enjoyed comparing things from the book that were connected to the real world. Lil
I enjoyed brainstorming words and sentences about the pictures from the story 'Fox'. Isla
I enjoyed all the activities we did when we read 'Fox'. Amelia
Grade 5-6 Miss Rasmussen
The Grade 5/6 students have gone into overdrive with preparing for the school production. Hours have gone into remembering lines, dances, finding just the right expression and making props. It has been hard work, but we are so excited to perform on the big stage.
Our class has spent a lot of this term learning all about the Seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church. We finished the unit by exploring the sacraments through lots of different well known artworks. We were able to recognise the specific sacraments portrayed in the artworks using the knowledge they have gained throughout the term.