
Leader: Jackie Stockdale


Links from above:




The Imperfects Podcast

The mental load is all the invisible labour it takes to run a household.

Sound familiar?

Hugh van Cuylenburg’s wife Penny Moodie joined The Imperfects to discuss the subject and how they navigate it in their relationship.

LISTEN - https://bit.ly/ImperfectsS5E19_PennyMoodie



Our current PBIS Blitz:


Our PBIS leaders organised and implemented an amazing end of term celebration. All of our students have demonstrated our values of learning, respect and kindness throughout Term 3.

This term our PBIS token winners, students who earnt the most tokens were:

Foundation: Matilda & Blake

Grade 1-2 Hayes: James

Grade 1-2 Hart: Liam

Grade 3-4 Crosbie: Toby

Grade 3-4 Stock: Scarlett

Grade 5-6: Will & Isla

Staff: Dani & Emma


At St Patrick's we have 3 values: kindness, respect an learning. Each of our values are represented by an Aboriginal symbol and each of these symbols have a significant meaning, which are explained below.