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Welcome to Term 4! We are already into Week 3 and it feels like the term is flying by. We started the term completing fitness retesting. It has been fantastic to see some terrific results and improvements across both junior and intermediate/senior groups. The student athletes were retested on the 5m, 10m and 20m sprint, agility test and the Yoyo fitness test. 

The student athletes have also been demonstrating their on-court skills, being assessed on their individual ability of netball skills, particularly: footwork, catching, throwing, coordination and each player athlete’s ability to pick up concepts. 


In Education, Fitness Components has been the focus to tie in with the fitness testing that has been conducted. The player athletes had to write the definition of a fitness component. Then they had to explain an example of when they would use each fitness component when playing netball, as well as which fitness test would be the best suited to test a particular fitness component. The junior group were able to do this in small groups and the intermediate/senior group completed this task individually.


We also celebrated Madi O’Connor’s last official court work session with the Specialist Netball Program group as a graduating Yr 12 Student. Madi has been a very valued member of the SNP family. Always determined to make the most of opportunities, Madi has shown significant development this year. She has also been a great leader and role model to fellow students within the program in her work ethic, accountability, and the resilience she has built. We thank Madi for her contribution to the program and to her classmate’s development also. We wish Madi every success in her next adventures although I think she might sneak back into a few sessions till years end!! Well done Madi!!! 


Enjoy the rest of the week!


Susan, Stacey & Ainsley and the Netball Crew


The Term 4 Soccer program has commenced and is in full swing. 


As we enter into the final block for the SSP Soccer program, the students have never been fitter nor stronger than they are now. 


With only 7 weeks left of the year we will be playing a series of games against North Geelong Secondary School for the year 8 and 9/10 combined teams. The girls year 7/8 are also set to play in the finals for futsal after winning the States North /West competition which should be an incredible experience. The year will conclude with a Melbourne Victory Schools Gala Day to crown the best Melbourne Victory affiliated school. This should be an amazing day to cap off a highly successful school year. 


The students are all still showing high energy for the program with a great appetite to keep on learning. 


A special mention must be given to Malee Siketa (Yr. 11) for making the Victorian Team which just finished the National Championships in Wollongong. Malee was instrumental in Victoria making the Grand final but unfortunately lost to NSW in the final. 


Very exciting term awaits !


Joey Didulica, Soccer Coach