Term 4

Year 10


Year 10 Celebration Night/Formal

On Friday night (27th October) the year 10 cohort attended their celebration night/formal at Bellevue Receptions. The night was a way to acknowledge and celebrate having nearly finished year 10 – before they move into their final years of schooling. The night was filled with music, food, photos and of course dancing. All students who attended had a great time!


Rachel Daly, Year 10 LCL


Intermediate Boys Cricket Final

What a fantastic effort displayed by the Inter Boys Cricket team who participated in a superb manner in the two games they participated in the first round of competition. Their fielding, bowling and batting skills progressively improved throughout the qualifying day. Unfortunately, in the Geelong final against a spirited Grovedale squad, our team members quickly learned that catches win matches. Congratulations go to Matthew Boyd who certainly helped with the run chase by scoring a hasty not-out 32 in the final. 


Game 1: WHC V’s Nth Geelong SC WON 5/89  -  4/65 off 8 Overs (Short game due to rain)


Batting: Jai Lewis 17 Not Out, Tom Grimes 15 Retired, Will Lane 14, Byron Hansford 13 Retired, Matthew Boyd 13 Not Out.

Bowling: Kyden McCaughan 2/13, Byron Hansford 1/4, Bailey Colville 1/11.



Game 2: WHC V’s Geelong HS Won 5/132  -  7/121 off 19 Overs


Batting: Tom Grimes 30 Retired, Byron Hansford 25 Retired, Matthew Boyd 22, 

Riley Lazzarich 18 Not Out, Mason Williams 16 Not Out.

Bowling: Jack Thompson 4/24, Kyden McCaughan 2/16, Will Lane, 1/37.


Geelong Final: (Played 7 days later) WHC V’s Grovedale Lost 10/79 – 4/113 off 15 Overs


Batting: Matthew Boyd 32 Not Out

Bowling: Jack Thompson 2/21, Heath Langley 1/16, Will Lane 1/21.


Fielding Team Members: Jaxon Elzinga, Sage Losinno, Christian Heap, Lachie Morrow.

Team Manager: Jaylah Buschmann 

Coach: Mr Beasley


Gary Beasley



Year 10 Visual Art

Students researched different Australian Mosaic artists to find inspiration and are now creating their own Mosaic tile!

Madeleine And

Year 12


As the 12’s finish their schooling, I can say that its been such fun sharing the final year with the students. Although at times stressful, frustrating and emotional, I can safely say, all staff have enjoyed spending the time with this cohort of students.

The final day of classes finished off with a whole school assembly in the Quamby Gym. Each student was presented with a little goodie bag to congratulate them on completing classes. Thanks to Lauren Merino and crew for putting the bags together.  With a few final words from College principal Fiona Taylor and College captains Amanda and Esmaeil, the students were applauded out of the assembly through an honour guard of staff. A fitting way to finish their schooling.

Celebration day – the final day of schooling for the 12’s saw the yr 12 teachers cooking breakfast for all the students. A special thanks to Amanda Dickson for pre-making all the waffles and to the teachers who came in early to cook bacon and eggs. There were some brilliant costumes as students and staff got into the spirit of “Movie Characters”. After a few school events, we loaded onto a bus off to Curlewis Driving range for a bit of fun. 

As you would be aware, exams are well and truly begun with English, Arabic, Biology, PE, General Maths and Psych all done. 

Well done to those who are done and good luck and keep going to those who still have exams coming up.  We have exams for at least another fortnight – so it’s a long process. Just a reminder that the VCE teachers are all still available to help and support the students preparing for upcoming exams. 

A reminder that tickets for the Grad are available to purchase at the general office, numbers are needed soon to finalise details. Also, I am still chasing up a few yr 7 photos of students who didn’t start at WHC. If you can please email them through to me asap, it would be greatly appreciated.


Brett Bullock, Year 12 LCL