"Miss Saigon" Excursion

A number of our senior students had the unique opportunity of attending a closed rehearsal for Opera Australia’s production of Miss Saigon, as part of only a handful of guests invited. During the performance, students were able to experience not just a high-quality production on a massive scale, but also a glimpse into the rehearsal process with a few developments still evident, and even a show stop. With a group of predominantly Theatre Studies and Backstage students, the show stop proved almost as interesting as the show itself, with students engaging in hurried discussions and hypotheses of what exactly went wrong whilst we waited for the show to get back on the road. We were all incredibly lucky to be able to glimpse this side of the production, which companies are so often very secretive about in their desire not to spoil the magic of theatre. It is so critical for students to witness all aspects of the production process, and to have this demonstrated so professionally here was a real treat. Happily for us, Opera Australia is taking a serious approach to helping to educate the next generation of theatre makers and we will be continuing to work with them into the future, as we have in previous years, to provide these valuable opportunities to our students.  


Cameron McCormick - Instrumental Music Co-Ordinator