Principal's Message 

As you will see from this newsletter, we've had a great start to Term 4 with a wide range of unique experiences for students. 


Our Year 12s finished their classes purposefully and productively, making the most of their Exam Preparation seminars but also celebrating their final days of formal schooling. The exam period has been running smoothly and we look forward to celebrating this cohort at our upcoming Graduation and Valedictory ceremony. 


We've also welcomed our Galileo program back to Story St for Term 4, with the newly refurbished classrooms on Level 2 of the South Building providing space for these classes. The new spaces are full of natural light and contemporary in their design: we are greatly enjoying using them and look forward to senior lab classes operating there next year. The ten new gender-neutral student toilets on the ground floor of that building have also been much welcomed. For the first time since January 2021, we have all of our learning spaces back in action: a big thank you to our whole school community for your flexibility and patience during the challenges of the last few years.


New classrooms
New toilet facilities
New classrooms
New toilet facilities

We're now well into our planning for 2024, and welcomed our incoming Year 7 families last week: always an exciting time. Information about 2024 booklists and our requested curriculum and voluntary contributions will be shared with families by the end of November. We do rely on these contributions to provide additional, high-quality experiences for our students, and are always grateful for those who contribute what they are able. Please don't hesitate to contact our school office if you are experiencing financial difficulty and need assistance with any of the costs associated with starting the school year: we are here to help.


If you would like to contribute with your time (and gardening skills!), the Climate Action and Sustainability sub-committee of School Council is running a working bee on the 9th of December from 9am - 12pm at school. If you would like to attend, please complete the following RSVP form:


We also have our Junior Art and Technology Exhibition opening on Wednesday 22 November at 6pm: all are welcome to enjoy the Art, Media, Design and Technology works of our Year 7-10 students. 



Enjoy this issue of the newsletter as we move forward to a great finish to the school year. 


Ciar Foster - Principal