Student Awards

Congratulations to all of our hard working students!

Reason to celebrate! School Value demonstrated 13.10.23 Student of the week is awarded to..

Sierra Z


Miss Belanti

For your confidence in sharing your mathematical insights with the class. Well done Sierra!
Julia S


Miss Santilla

For being an excellent listener and sharing all your brilliant ideas. Well done Julia! 
Jacinta O


Miss Accaputo

For coming to school each day with an enthusiastic and positive attitude to your learning. Thank you for being a great role model in 1A!
Harry P


Mrs John

For displaying the Habit of Mind ‘Communicate with Clarity’ while showing his peers how to count the value of money in his wallet. Well Done Harry!
Naomi S


Miss Mihocic

For constantly making positive choices in her learning to help her succeed, such as sharing her thinking, collaborating with peers and staying on task! Keep it up Naomi
Riley V


Mrs Tasevski

For working hard in class by Striving for Accuracy, particularly in writing.  His willingness to apply feedback to improve and grow is awe inspiring.  Keep it up Riley! What a star!
Evelyn F


Miss Dicello

For being an excellent team player in your writing group. You have shown excellent collaboration and leadership skills to ensure you and your partner are set up for success in writing. Superstar!
Chloe S


Miss Ravanello

For consistently making good choices, being a positive role model in our class and working hard both independently and with your peers. Love your work Chloe!
Aiden V


Miss Macri

For showing persistence when practising and achieving success with multiplication sums.

You have worked super hard!!!

Christina G


Mrs Peel

For showing your amazing leadership as an Eco Warrior and  always ensuring that our compost bin is emptied daily.
Joelle A


Mrs Carey

For always giving her best effort, especially when taking on and applying feedback. Impressive efforts Joelle!
Noah M


Mrs McNamara

For your insightful responses within your Literature Circles this week and for creating comprehension questions that demonstrated your understanding of the text. Well done!
Lily K


Miss Kelly

For striving for accuracy throughout our Maths focus, and showing persistence when approaching challenging problems! Well done Lily
Chloe T


Miss Lee

For contributing ideas and always having a go during whole class discussions. Well done!

Georgi G


Rose K (PA)


Mr P - Years 3-6

Mrs Dalton- Year Prep-2 

For always being a thoughtful and considerate member of the PE class. Thank you for always being willing to help and assist others throughout the lesson. Well done Georgi! 


For displaying an excellent attitude in PE and showing great focus during tasks.  

Zara K (PB)


Mr Steve

For being an excellent helper and participating in all music activities. Great effort!
Anton B


Mrs Zaffina

For working very hard on his Italian picture story book! Keep up the amazing work! Bravissimo Anton!
Lincoln (PB) 


Mrs Symeoy


For taking on a new learning challenge, whilst exploring Scratch. You were excited to share your prior learning with the class and explored the program to learn new things. Well Done!
Oliver D (3B) 


Mrs Garro


Such a great painting. Detail and value to an outstanding level. Loved this piece of art Oliver. 

Reason to celebrate! School Value demonstrated 20.10.23 Student of the week is awarded to..

Emily F


Miss Belanti

For participating in class discussions and sharing your thinking with others. Great work Emily!
Isla W


Miss Santilla

For always trying your best during our independent reading routine! You are a brilliant role model! Well done Isla. 
Romeo D


Miss Accaputo

For always embracing  your learning, and for always lending a hand to help with any need that you see. Thank you for being a role model Romeo!
Ella W


Mrs John

For being an excellent role model to your peers and consistently doing your best in all areas of your learning. Congratulations Ella!
Thea S


Miss Mihocic

For demonstrating great communication skills when working in collaboration with peers and persisting to get the task completed. You should be proud of your efforts Thea! 
Isaac M


Mrs Tasevski

For his ability to explain and justify his opinions with clarity and precision.  Keep it up Isaac! Love your thinking! 

Chloe B



Samuel J


Miss Dicello

For being an excellent role model to your peers. You continue to do justice to your Eco Warrior captaincy everyday! You're a star!

For showing drive and focus in all learning areas to produce your best work! Proud of you!

Hudson H


Miss Ravanello

For developing your confidence to share your thoughts and continuing to try your best in all areas of your learning. Love your work Hudson, keep it up!
Jasmine G


Miss Macri

For taking responsible risks and stepping out of her comfort zone with all activities at camp! You showed bravery and should be proud of your efforts! 
Caleb H


Mrs Peel

For demonstrating interdependent thinking by actively collaborating with your team and employing effective self-regulation strategies during camp.
Xavier A


Mrs Carey

For making great use of voice typing to uplevel writing pieces. Excellent work Xavier!
Thomas L


Mrs McNamara

For consistently using the Habit of Mind ‘Striving for Accuracy’ by always doing your best and persisting with your learning till completion. Well done, Thomas!
Fadi M


Miss Kelly

For using the Habit of the Mind 'Striving for Accuracy' in your maths test, showing your working and persisting in challenging yourself. Excellent work! 
Isabella P 


Miss Lee

For showing the HOM ‘Creating, Imagining and Innovating’ in our Poetry lessons this week. You are doing such a great job! 

Aria P



Julia S (PB)


Mr P - Years 3-6

Mrs Dalton- Year Prep-2 

For showing courage and persistence during her Physical Education lesson this week.   Well done Aria! 


For showing great listening skills in PE and always trying her very best. Well done. 

Andre M (3A)


Mr Steve

For working collaboratively and thinking creatively in your band!
Justin B (6A)


Mrs Zaffina

For being an active participant in Italian classes and making great connections to the Italian language. Bravissimo Justin!
Gabrielle L (2B) 


Miss Paige 


For showing persistence during the LEGO “Drive build". You worked collaboratively with your team to successfully complete the build and even when faced with challenges, you continued to persist. Well Done Gabrielle! 

George T  (1A)

Julian A (1A)


Mrs Garro

Amazing work in the art room. Collaborating and working together. Well done boys!