Art News

Kelly Oakham

This past year has absolutely whizzed by and it’s hard to believe we are in Term 4 already! Most year levels have been working on Textiles this term so there is a great variety of materials that students have been incorporating into their Art works including: foam, foil, cellophane, tissue paper, honeycomb (sequin waste), felt and cotton wool. The creativity amongst our students at Park Ridge Primary School is amazing and I have the great pleasure and privilege of seeing this every day in the Art Room. To say I enjoy my job is an understatement!


The Art Room is looking even more colourful than usual with the addition of personal flags made by our Year 6 students. The students have tie dyed and decorated with their name and ‘Class of 2023’. Following the concert t-shirts that the Year 6 students did such an awesome job of tie dying in Term 3, they went on to tie dye triangular cotton flags which is something they can take home on their last day of primary school. 


The Year 5 students have been busy finishing off a four week unit on sewing. They are learning the skills of threading a needle, tying a knot and mastering running, cross and diagonal stitches to decorate their own cross stitch card. They have done a fantastic job!

There is now a lovely oil pastel ‘monster' display developing on the back display board of the Art Room that I am super proud of and wanted to share with you. Students from Years 3 to 6 have been contributing to our medley of monsters. Most of these monsters look very friendly, though there are few I don't think I would want to bump into! 


You may have noticed on the Art Room window that there is an ‘Under the Sea’ display. The Year 2 students have decorated some old DVDs/ CDs and made some wonderful ‘disc fish’. The students are now working on their shoe box ‘under the sea’ dioramas. This is a definite favourite art project at Park Ridge which the students get very excited about as they build their ocean scene. 


The Foundation students completed a three week unit where they looked at the work of Claude Monet. Inspired by his paintings of waterlily ponds they went on to make their own ponds using a wax resist technique with watercolour paint, cutting paper lily pads, scrunching up tissue paper for the water lilies and finally making a plasticine frog to sit on one of their lily pads. 


I hope you enjoy looking at some examples of the Art work from the talented students here at Park Ridge Primary School.