Principal's Message

Please take the time to read each page of our newsletter, as we provide you with information updates across each curriculum area.
Over the last month there have been sooooo many exciting things happening at our school. We can't believe it is Term Four already...and we can't wait to continue the excitement of learning at USPS!
Congratulations to our Book Fair Raffle winners!
Our new Library facility is open for business, and has been full of smiling faces and busy students every day of the week!
A huge thank you to everyone who supported our Book Fair, and congratulations to the following students who won a family-pass to Silvers Circus over the term break:
Amy E-M, Amelia T, Vichea P, Andre E-S
USPS Students Rocking the Airwaves!- 3MDR 97.1FM Fresh Air Radio
As part of our Year Three-Six Student Agency Electives, our latest group of upcoming DJ's produced a live show which went to air last week.
This show is full of great hits, interviews with students, and fact it's got something for everyone.
To listen to the latest episode of USPS Fresh Air Youth Radio" click on the link below.
Our current radio crew have also recently recorded a professionally made advertisement for our weekly Breakfast Club, which will now be playing on the school's airwaves every Friday morning at 8:30am.
We look forward to the next episode of Fresh Air Youth Radio which will continue to showcase the amazing talents of our students. Pictured below is our "USPS Rock Band" who are rehearsing for our upcoming Community Christmas Concert, and getting ready to perform on-air...exciting!!!
Facilities Upgrades
Over the recent term break, we continued to undertake ongoing facilities improvements to our school. These upgrades are part of our School Council Facilities Master Plan Upgrade, and include a new Library space, new Performing Arts space, community seating, and community artworks (done by our amazing students!).
A new junior playground is on the way in 2024!!!!!!
We are currently in the process of seeking input and voice from our junior students regarding designs for a new junior playground. Over recent weeks each class has undertaken a series of surveys, during which our students have told us what they would like- even including racing slides as a suggestion.
Concept drawings using our students' voices as a design parameter are currently being drawn up. We hope for works to begin towards the end of Term One, 2024.
Below is one possible concept drawing.
Celebrating student achievements beyond the school gates
We have the most amazing students at Upwey South Primary School, and quite often their brilliance extends beyond the boundaries of our school fence. With community sport, artistic endeavors and other events back in full-swing we are wanting to use our newsletter as another chance to celebrate the achievements of our students beyond the school gates.
If you know of a student who has achieved something beyond the school gates which should be celebrated, please email
Ninja Warrior World Championships 2024
A huge congratulations to Lucy C, who recently qualified for the Ninja Warrior World Championships to be held in the USA in 2024. For details on Lucy's achievements, visit Mr Scicluna's report in theHealth & Physical Education section.
Communicating with the Principal
We look forward to partnering with you in 2023, and welcome your input:
Damien Kitch (Principal)