Deputy Principal Address

Mrs Jones's Speech - Graduation Night

About one year ago, I arrived at Evans HS. I left my previous school family to begin in a new place – Evans. And you were there, part of the fabric of the school, moving into the last leg of your high school journey. Today, we swap roles, I remain at Evans, continuing my journey and you leave your school family to begin a new phase of your life.


It’s exciting to begin a new phase in life but of course a little scary. You do not know who you will meet or what challenges you will face. And no matter how many people are supporting you, and wishing you well, this new journey is truly one that you must take on your own. 


And that is not a bad thing. You grow and mature when taking on new challenges, taking those first steps, learning about the world, and adapting to suit a variety of expectations. Every few years, you will look back and realise how much you have matured and how much you have achieved. Yes, there will be people around you that may have influenced you, but it is really about personal growth and that, you do on your own.  


Every one of you is unique, with your own set of talents, abilities, and perspectives. Throughout your time at school, you have honed these skills and developed into individuals. Your worth doesn't lie in your grades or accomplishments alone, but in your character, your kindness, and your capacity to make a positive impact on the world.


This next part of life really is all about you, and having said that, take a look around you, the faces that are sitting next to you. The people you have laughed with, cried with, and even fought at times, may not be there. You sit here together today but tomorrow you individually start a new day. Though it seems impossible, over time you may lose contact with many if not all of those around you. The decisions that you make about who you hold on to or avoid are personal ones and I hope high school has at least taught you to embrace your individuality, cherish your strengths, and never be afraid to acknowledge your weaknesses. It's through embracing all aspects of yourself that you'll discover your true potential.


You need to be true to yourself because you are worth it and the people who should remain in your circle are those that love you and bring positivity to your world. What I guess I really want to emphasise is that the changes that happen in life might be tough but they are not necessarily all negative even though it feels like it at the time. 


I’d like to end with an analogy that I read once. Though I do not know who wrote it, it resonated with me in so many ways and I feel it’s appropriate for the occasion.


A bottle of water at Costco is approximately $0.50. The same bottle in the supermarket is worth about $1. The same bottle in a bar costs $2 and in a good restaurant, it can be worth up to $3. Go to an airport or get on a plane, you may be charged $5.


The bottle and the brand are the same, the only thing that changes is the place. Each place gives a different value to the same product.


When you feel like your worth is being challenged because those around you are bringing you down, then have the courage to make a change. You can do it. Change and go where you are given the value you deserve. Surround yourself with people who really appreciate your worth.


Congratulations Year 12, and best of luck on what I believe will be a remarkable journey ahead.