Principal Address

Ms Pretlove's Speech - Graduation Night

Tonight is a time for celebration, for remembering and for looking forward. Good afternoon and welcome to the graduation of the Class of 2023.


As we see these young people off to the next big adventure, I am sure that whether we are parents, teachers or indeed the students themselves, that it only seems like yesterday that they walked into the school hall on day 1 of year 7.


Much has happened across these six years: there are now careers which did not exist like prompt engineers even twelve months ago; medical breakthroughs including patients with spinal cord injuries and traumatic brain damage being able to control artificial limbs with their thoughts; wars have come and gone and returned. Such is the complex world that you are entering as a young adult.


A school is not just a collection of buildings and resources, it is also the collection of memories of those past and present – it is about the people who have walked its corridors, it is about the community in which it sits and you are part of that.


Your time here has been a period of camaraderie, forging friendships with some that will last a lifetime. You've had your share of victories and setbacks, but each experience has been a stepping-stone, guiding you towards the individuals you've become today.


I would like you to take a moment to think about those people who have made an impact on your lives: your families, friends, teachers, coaches, some who are close by and others far away and of those who may no longer be with us. Think about the values that they have shown you as you begin to establish your own. Acknowledge their part in you becoming the person who is sitting here today.


It is important to remember that you are not just graduates of Evans; but that you are the future leaders of our society. You possess the power to make a difference, leave a lasting impact, and contribute positively to your communities. Be the change you wish to see in the world whether it is to be the best friend, parent, football coach or to bring world peace (we need plenty of that).


Farewells are new beginnings

Your journey is just beginning

Set your goals high and dream big

A new beginning is about to start. Make it count.