Dear Parents,
We hope all of our Dad's and significant men in our lives had a wonderful Father's Day on Sunday. A special thank you to the P&C for the organisation and coordination of the Father's Day breakfast and stall. The children love having breakfast with their Dad, Pops and important men in their lives and then 'shopping for that special gift'. The weather was gorgeous and we couldn't have asked for a better day. Thank you also to the Lions Club who came along and supported our BBQ breakfast by cooking the many eggs, bacon and sausages.
Our Jersey Day on Friday was really well supported. Thank you everyone for coming together to remember the 1 year anniversary of Cathy Kassis, our beautiful friend. We have planted a magnolia tree in Cathy's honour near the Kinder rooms overlooking Lambert Street. It will be the most gorgeous shade of purple, Cathy's favourite colour, when it blooms. Her family joined us to look at the gorgeous tree. We are planning to put a chair near the tree with a plaque on it in the near future.
Congratulations to our Dance Troupes that attended the Bathurst Eisteddfod on Monday. Our children were superstars, looked incredible and performed brilliantly. Our Stage 1 Troupe placed 2nd, our Stage 2 Troupe placed 3rd and our Stage 3 Troupe were Highly Commended. Well done, everyone. Thank you to Mrs McClements for her coordination, organisation and work with the troupes. Thank you to Mrs Weekes who has also supported Mrs McClements. A big thank you to the staff who supported and supervised the children on Monday; Mrs Cafe, Mrs Goninan, Ms Simmons, Miss Solinas and Mrs Abbott.
Thank you to the many parents who have attended face to face or phone Parent Teacher Interviews this week. These meetings are so important in sharing how the children are working in class, celebrating the progress children are making and addressing any concerns or issues. If you have been unable to attend interviews this week, please contact the office and a phone or face to face interview can be arranged.
We have approximately 60-70 children attending school before 8.30am each morning. A reminder that supervision at school commences at 8.30 am each morning. Any child that is dropped off at school before this time are required to sit in the foyer until teachers commence supervision on the playground at 8.30 am. Alternatively, ASPIRE OSCH provides supervised before-school care on our grounds. ASPIRE can be contacted on 0467 561 543.
Our annual Swimming Program note has been published through the Sentral Parent Portal. The dates of the Term 4 10-day Swimming Program for 2024 at the Bathurst Aquatic Centre are Monday 25th November - Friday 29th November and Monday 2nd December to Friday 6th December. The cost of the annual program is $130.00. Parents can give permission and make regular payments through the Sentral Parent Portal. Final payments and notes will be due by Friday 1st November, 2024.
We believe student learning, wellbeing and success are best when working together. Please do not hesitate to contact the school to discuss any concerns you may have.
Kate White