Awards & Birthdays

                Happy Birthday to all the students                 celebrating Birthdays!


Happy Birthday to the students who will be celebrating their Birthday  

this coming week and during the holidays!


Inara F

Rhys M

Parker N

Alice D

Oscar M C

Oliver C

Jordan H

Henry K

Anna R

Aubrey O

Emilia I


Yellow Card Awards

Congratulations to the following students who were awarded Yellow Cards!

Yellow cards are awarded to students who demonstrate the social skills and/or key values that our school community embraces.

Tom R - 5/6 BRyan B - 1/2BWilliam G - 1/2Y
Harvey W - 3/4 RNate Mc - 1/2YJames B - 1/2Y
Kenzie H - PYZac K - 1/2YMason N - 3/4B
Zac R - 3/4 GPrimrose W - 3/4YOscar M C - 5/6R
Mahin S - PBEmily S - 5/6RLily M C - 3/4B
Aston T - PBEmilia I - 1/2 BJax B - 1/2B
Maya K - 1/2GParker A - 1/2 GEmilia D - 1/2B
Jainil P - PBSkye P - PBJasmine E - 1/2Y
Audrey K - 1/2GZoe G - 1/2GMason N - 3/4B
Ruby G - 3/4BXander Mc - 3/4RNate Mc - 1/2Y
Jade A - 1/2 BOwen J - 5/6RJack P - PY
Liana D - PYAarav K - 3/4GRia D - 3/4B
Evie F - 3/4Y