Child Safety Officer 

Cassie MIles
Cassie MIles

Jesus teaches us to love one another and to care for the vulnerable, saying, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these' Matthew 19:14. 


As a school, we actively promote a culture of safety and creating a space where children can grow, learn and flourish in God's love.


As we know, online communities are becoming increasingly popular among young children. This means that it is important for us to maintain and upskill our knowledge when it comes to the digital world. As parents, you are able to access the online eSafety Commissioner website. 


There are fantastic resources to help you and your children learn about safe online behaviours.  Below is some information from the eSafety Commissioner about the 'Online Safety Mighty Heroes!'


Cassie Miles 

Ulverstone Campus - Co-Head of Primary