Year 3 - Middle Unit

Year 3 students have started Term 4 off with a BANG!
In Reading, we have been looking at different Science Fiction texts including Zathura by Chris Van Allsburg. In Week 1 we learned about and practised our summarising skills and this week, we are honing our predicting skills!
In Writing, we have continued our focus on Science Fiction texts and have begun the process of writing our very own Science Fiction narratives. We have examined the unique features of Science Fiction stories and have been developing our protagonists (main characters), our antagonists (villains), our settings and what problems might arise in our stories. We will be working on our solutions for the remainder of the week - reading to begin the drafting process for our Sci-Fi narratives next week!
In Numeracy, Term 4 has been all about fractions. Students have been learning about halves, quarters, thirds and more! We have learned to recognise and also partition shapes into different fractions. In Week 2, we have been experimenting with collections of objects - looking at real world examples and using our problem solving skills to figure out how we might represent these objects using fractions.
We look forward to a fantastic and fun-filled last term!
Year 3 Teachers
Ashleigh Dodds (3AD), Mark Condon (3MC), Sally Quinn (3SQ)