Carlsruhe Annexe /
Main Campus - Year 4
Carlsruhe Annexe /
Main Campus - Year 4
It has been lovely to see the year 4 students returning to school full of enthusiasm and excitement for the activities planned for this term.
At the end of last week the event information went on Compass regarding our Year 4 camp to Phillip Island which runs from Wednesday 4th to Friday 6th December (Term 4 Week 9).
The deposit and consent is due by Friday 25th October and the final payment by Friday 5th November.
The confidential student information forms need to returned to school, either by adding the electronic form to an email or as a printed copy. If you require a paper version of this form, please let your child’s teacher know.
Could any parents who wish to volunteer as camp helpers please read the information document and inform their child’s teacher via email. We will be notifying all parents of the lucky helpers on Friday 1st November.
Further information will be sent out later in the term.
Year 3 Mentors
On Monday 28th October all the Year 4 students will host the Year 3 students at Carlsruhe. They will share their, knowledge and experiences with the Year 3s, partnering them to explore our wonderful campus, teaching them about our veggie garden, our cute animals and creative cubbies. They will also support them to work collaboratively on a piece of writing using Google docs which they will ‘hand in’ to an assignment on Google Classrooms.
Ecosystems Enquiry
Later in the term we are also planning a day where all of the Year 4 students will visit the Camapaspe River at Carlsruhe. This will link to our Ecosystems Inquiry unit. We will explore the area around the river, completing a habitat survey to identify the plants and animals in the area, consider how this area has changed over time and how natural and human interactions have changed the landscape.
As part of our Inquiry students will be studying a local ecosystem and sharing their understanding in a variety of formats including a diorama/poster, information texts and descriptive narratives.
In Literacy we will be exploring the hybrid text Desert Lake by Pamela Freeman, My Place by Nadia Wheatley and completing an author study of books by Jeannie Baker, which all link to our Inquiry topic.
This term our areas of study are; fractions and decimals, exploring chance by conducting and explaining chance experiments, investigating angles and symmetry
Ann Ireland (4AI), Louise Safstrom (4SM)/Alison Meggs, Lisa Sutch (4LS)