Student Leaders
Captain's Corner, Wellbeing & Environmental
Student Leaders
Captain's Corner, Wellbeing & Environmental
Coming into the final term of school we have a very busy schedule. Lots of fun activities are coming up like the Year 6 Graduation and other End of School celebrations.
On another note, the Girls’ Basketball team and a few students that competed at Athletics have done extremely well. Girls’ School Basketball is competing in Castlemaine for the Second Level, so wish them luck!
Speaking of basketball, the Teachers V’s Students Basketball game is next week so all students are welcome to come and watch and cheer everyone on. Teachers think they may have this in the bag, but just like last year, the students will thrash them!
Just a reminder that it is now Term 4, and the sun is out, so if you haven’t done so already start looking for your hat and bring it to school. If you don’t have your hat, you will have to play in the shade. This is part of the WPS Sun Smart School Policy, so remember the sun can cause sunburn which may lead to many health problems.
Captain's Corner
Alita, Lacey, Kento and Tom
This week, lots of classes were doing really well but our STAR classes were:
Happy first fortnight of Term 4 everyone!
The WellBEEing Leaders
Matilda, Grace, Elsa & Live