From the  Acting Principal 

Elissa Campbell

Welcome back for Term 4, it’s hard to believe we have already reached the final school term of 2024. We hope you all enjoyed the break and are ready for a busy term.


Semester 2 Reporting

Teachers have commenced the assessment and reporting process for Semester 2, reports will be distributed to families during the final week of term. 



Term 4 is an important time for all students as they begin to prepare to transition to their new year level for 2025. We will be holding multiple transition sessions for our incoming Foundation students. Our Year 6 students will attend at least one transition session at their future secondary school and all other students will have the opportunity to experience their new class prior to moving into them next year. On the 28th October we have organised an excursion for our Year 3 students to the Carlsruhe campus, so they can begin to familiarise themselves with a new environment. We will be holding a parent information session for Year 3 parents to support this transition on the evening of the same day. Information has been sent out via Compass.


We are aware that transition periods can be a nervous time for students and parents. We will endeavour to work closely with students and their families to alleviate any concerns. During this time we understand that some parents may have specific requests regarding student class placements and we ask that these be communicated with us via email to Please note that teachers and school leadership consider many elements when undertaking our class placement process, including learning, social and wellbeing needs. We ask that you do not send requests based on teacher preference and friendships. As we do each year, students will be asked to nominate peers they would like to be placed with in 2025. Please only send a request if you believe there is information that we may be unaware of.


Other than Year 6 students, if you know that your child will not be returning to Woodend PS in 2025 and have not already informed us, please send an email to This will help to support our class placement process.


Loddon Mallee Region Athletics

On Monday, five of our Year 6 students represented our school at the Loddon Mallee Region Athletics, Holly in High Jump, Kento in Shot Put, Alex in High Jump, Zack in 100m running and triple jump and Pippa in long jump. Congratulations to all for your efforts, Zac and Pippa will now progress to the next level at the State Athletics Championship on 6th November. We wish them the best of luck.


School Works

We are still awaiting the completion of our Shelter in Place works at both campuses. Some work was completed over the holiday period with new windows being installed in the hall and the P-2 building. We are hopeful the remaining work will occur in the near future and at the latest should be completed before the end of this year.


Over the holiday period our painting work continued, and you may have noticed that our Year 5/6 portables and Administration building have had a fresh coat of paint. With some further painting still planned for our new rotunda that was completed at the end of Term 3. Work will also commence shortly on our memorial garden space outside the staff room.


Carlsruhe Fair

Only 5 weeks to go until the Carlsruhe Fair and our committee are working hard to get everything ready for the day. Without the support of our community the Fair would not be possible, and our volunteers are vital to the success of the day. Information will be sent out soon, with requests for volunteers to support the running of activities on the day. The planning for this event has been taking place for well over a year and we hope that all families are able to attend on the day. 


Last Friday I had the pleasure of being able to judge the Carlsruhe coffee label competition. At the Fair we will be selling a special blend of coffee, designed just for us. Students were asked to enter a design for the coffee bag and we received a large number of entries from across the school. Brodie M from 4SM was the successful artist, his design will be printed on the front of the coffee bag.


In some disappointing news, this week we were made aware that the 7 Network program ‘House of Wellness’ will no longer be aired. As some of you may be aware our Year 4 students had recently filmed a segment about our Carlsruhe campus that was due to be aired shortly before the Fair. Sadly, this segment will not be going to air, although we are hoping to get a copy of the filmed segment to share with our community.


Please see the Carlsruhe Fair update in this newsletter for more updates about the Fair.


Visitors and Volunteers

This is a reminder to all visitors and volunteers at both campuses, we ask that you ensure you follow 'sign-in' procedures when you are attending the school for an extended period of time. This does not include school events, student pick up/drop off or school assembly. Visitors and Volunteers are expected to wear a yellow ‘Visitors’ sticker when on school grounds. Following these procedures ensures our staff and students know you have signed in at the office and supports our emergency, OHS and Child Safe obligations. We ask that if you attend the school during school hours (9am-3.30pm) please ensure you come by the office prior to entering any other school buildings.


Vale - Sue Kivimets

Sadly, we were advised of the recent passing of one of our former staff members Sue Kivimets, who was also a current Woodend PS grandparent and former school parent. Sue was our ever efficient Canteen Manager from 2005 - 2010 and a valued member of the Woodend PS community.

Sue will be sadly missed by many and we extend our condolences to her family.


Upcoming Curriculum Day

Please be aware that our Term 4 Curriculum Day is scheduled for Monday 4th November, teachers will be working on student Semester 2 reports. This is the day before the Melbourne Cup Public Holiday. Students are expected to return to school on Wednesday 5th November.


We are looking forward to an exciting and engaging term of learning for our students.

Acting Principal

Elissa Campbell