
Canteen Roster - October
  17Charlene18Kimberly & Eden
232 helpers needed24Naomi252 helpers needed
302 helpers needed31Bec L  
Canteen Roster - November
    12 helpers needed
6Cecile & 1 helper needed7Judith82 helpers needed

Lunch orders are increasing…Unfortunately, volunteers are decreasing!!!

Helpers are desperately needed for this sad looking roster

Our canteen just cannot function without your help…I can’t do it alone…I need to sleep at night!

Volunteering in the canteen shows your child that you support the canteen as an important part of his/her school life especially if you’re a regular user

I need at least 2 helpers on both Wednesdays and Fridays…Only 9.15 to 12.45

Please contact me ASAP on 0411558557 should you be available to help

Get my phone ringing!!!!!

Canteen Manager

Jenni Rossi