Student Learning & Wellbeing Support Team
Integration Aides
Student Learning & Wellbeing Support Team
Integration Aides
Each of us (the aides) come to school with a range of skills and passions, as many in the school community know I’m a keen gardener. This year I’ve been lucky enough to share my love of gardening with the students. I have a small group that regularly join me at lunch time to work on a number of garden beds. They especially enjoy using the hole digger. We’ve also been working on the RUOK garden, pulling out all the weeds and putting in new plants.
I also want to praise the Year 5 / 6 students for their commitment to ensure the recently planted garden bed near the portables doesn’t get trampled. I’m so proud of them, they are demonstrating respect for both the environment and those who worked on this garden bed.
Catherine, Danielle, Nicola, Tamara and Vanessa