Foundation Unit

This fortnight in Reading, students have been exploring procedural text and sequencing the text correctly. They have identified that procedural texts start with a title followed by materials and steps.
In Writing, the Foundation students have been creating their own procedural texts. The have created a procedural text to share with the Kindergarten students who will be attending Woodend Primary School next year. The piece was about what they do at home to get ready for school.
In Maths, the students have been exploring shapes. They have been working on identifying and sorting 2D shapes. The have also been working on identifying what is a 2D shape and what is a 3D shape.
In Inquiry, the Foundation students used their 2D shape knowledge to design an animal that they could create using the boxes they brought in. Students have designed elephants, dinosaurs, aquariums, horses and much more. Students also looked at what material they would need and why they chose those materials.
Foundation Teachers
Libby Cannon (PLC), Courtney Lawrence (PCL)/Alison Meggs, Bree Smith (PBS)