Praise and Prayer Points
Praise Points
- For the staff who serve our school families each and every day
- For the holidays and break that is coming
- For our Administration Staff who do so much behind the scenes to see the school well run every day
- For Mrs Polden’s return from long service leave in Term 4
- Businesses who have supported our Work Experience students
- Opportunities for our staff to participate in high quality professional learning opportunities with Independent Schools Tasmania, Jocelyn Seamer Education and New Tech Network Australia
- Answers to prayer for people in our community that we have been praying for.
Prayer Points
- For the end of term and that students and staff would finish well
- That we would be able to fill any staffing vacancies with quality staff
- For staff and family members who are facing medical challenges
- For our fellow CEN schools in Tasmania
- For our school leadership team and the many areas of responsibility that they hold
- For safety and protection for all those in the school community over the holiday break
- Year 10 Students on Work Experience
- Safe holidays for students and their families
- Cultural Christianity Event with Sam Burrows on 23 October
- Geraldton Christian College and Mount Evelyn Christian College
As a school, we like to pray for both our school and the wider community.
You are invited to join with others in our community in prayer, each Monday morning at 9.00am - 10.00am Ulverstone Campus. Please sign in at Reception.