Principal's Press

Borambola Camp
We have another camp going out this week, our Year 3 students are heading off to Borambola. This will be the first camp for many of our students so I am sure there is lots of nerves and excitement for them.
Uniform Change Over
As mentioned we are in a period of change over from our winter to summer uniform. During this changeover period, students should wear either full winter or full summer uniform and not a mix of both. If you are in need of new uniform items they can be purchased at Lowes or second-hand items can be purchased from the College Uniform Shop on a Thursday afternoon.
Grandparents Day, Book Week Parade and HSC Showcase
Last Thursday and Friday was a wonderful celebration of our College and our students. The HSC Showcase highlighted major projects from our Year 12 students with many brilliant works on display. Our Primary students and staff all dressed up as their favourite book characters on Friday with lots of wonderful and creative costumes on display. It was absolutely wonderful to have our grandparents and significant adults here as well to view the parade and spend time in the classrooms.