Lovin' Sports

Netball NSW Cup
Last week we had Year 7/8 boys and Year 9/10 boys qualify for the Phase 2 Netball NSW Cup. They had some wins, losses and draws. We are proud of their efforts and how their teamwork and communication between each other improved with each match.
The boys both had a tough first match against Xavier but didn’t give up. Year 7/8 boys impressed us with their ability to keep cool under pressure, and they improved every game. Winning their last two matches after a hard-fought draw that knocked them out of the finals race. Year 9/10 showed impressive skills, winning their last two matches as they lifted their intensity and focus.
Overall it was a great day. Big thanks to Mrs Vidler for coaching the Year 7/8 boys. The wonderful umpires Hannah Buchtmann and Brenna Guilfoyle and our fabulous scorers, Ella Alcorn and Sophie Buchtmann!
Mr Cunningham and Mrs Johnson
Australian Olympic Change Maker National Forum
I attended the Australian Olympic Change Maker National Forum, I am so blessed to have come to Sydney to hear and listen to Harry Garside, Lani Pallister, Kesesja Gofers and Cloe Dalton. They were so inspirational, their stories about how they made the Olympic teams, and even the struggles they went through to get where they are today.
I asked one of the athletes, "Has anyone told you to focus on something else other than sport?" Harry Garside said that people are going to say to do this and that, but to follow what you want to follow. People might tell you to do something, not because they want you to fail, but because they love you and they want the best for you. Harry Garside concluded by saying, "You should follow your dreams in anything you do." That is something that stuck out to me and will probably be with me for a long time.
Luke Anderson, Year 10