
Seasons of Change

One of the phrases that my church used to say quite regularly when I was a young adult was ‘God never changes, he is always doing a new thing!’ That phrase has stuck with me for all these years, and I remind myself of it often when going through times of change. We are such creatures of habit, we like things to be the same, steady reliable, predictable and change can cause great stress and consternation. Sometimes change can be wonderful and looked forward to such as the birth of a new baby or getting away for a holiday to rest and relax. However, some of the most stressful things that we go through in life are related to change – the loss of a loved one, moving house or starting a new job. There is one constant though whether a favourable change or a deeply stressful change, it is inevitable and we all will go through seasons of change. 


As a College, we are certainly entering a season of change and growth. We have a new Principal starting next year whom we are looking forward to welcoming into our community. In the background changing lots of our systems in the College so that we serve our community better, from enrolments, to HR and our student management system.  We are also in the process of restructuring our leadership team to better lead our teaching, learning and wellbeing spaces. Our OOSH and Preschool services are changing so we can better service our families. Our Year 12’s are in the process of changing from school students to heading out to the world of further study or work. Some families will move location into and out of Wagga. There are even small changes such as the change of uniform from winter to summer as the season changes around us. 


However, the one constant throughout is that God through His Son Jesus loves us and is always with us, therefore we should not fear change or bad news. In Psalm 112: 7 it says "They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord." As we put our hope in Jesus and trust in him, He will help us to weather the storms and seasons of change in our lives. 



Mrs Lisa Dumicich

Interim Principal