Principal's News

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome back to Term 4! Daylight Savings at least reminds us that Summer is on its way, even if the weather refuses to cooperate. This week five new students from three new families joined our community. We welcome these families especially and wish them all the very best for their time with us and thank them for the opportunity and privilege to work with their children.

Football is definitely off the agenda for this poor old Swans supporter, although plenty of kids have been keen to remind me of it already this week.


Term 4 is always a busy one with excursions, camps, our Mission Fete, graduation, reports etc all happening while Christmas creeps ever closer.

I trust all families were able to enjoy some extra time with these brilliant kids during the past two weeks, they don’t stay this size for long!


A small health reminder, we are still very much on the alert for Whooping Cough. We are all hoping that the two week break might give us a chance to eradicate it from our school population, so we continue to ask parents to be vigilant around kids coughing excessively and remember that Whooping Cough is a very real possibility as the cause.


GRANDPARENTS DAY Every year at about this time we endeavour to host as many grandparents at school as we can. We are inviting all Grandparents into our school NEXT Friday, October 18th for a picnic lunch on the school grounds with their grandchildren. 


More details will be in next week’s newsletter, but roughly speaking Grandparents should visit from about 1:15pm - 2:15pm. Grade 6 children will escort them to the ELDEST grandchild’s classroom where they can have a look at the work the children are doing before touring the school to admire the beautiful artwork on display. 

Grandparents should bring something yummy for lunch to be enjoyed picnic style in our school grounds. 


Jack Lenaghan - Principal