In Literacy,
- students will be learning about the text structure and features of fiction books e.g. characters, settings, problems, solutions and a beginning, middle and end
- students will continue to practice their reading strategies with a particular focus on stretching out the sounds they hear in words (sounding out) and chunking sounds to read tricky words
- students will continue to learn about digraphs (two letters that make one sound) and be able to identify sounds such as; ‘ck’, ‘ng’, ‘qu’, ‘ff’, ‘ll’, ‘ss’, ‘zz’ when they are reading
- students will move on to learning and consolidating their ability to read and write Oxford Words 1-20 during writing sessions
- students will also learn about the structure of writing a fictional story in writing, which will be supported by reading fiction books in reading lessons
- student will continue to practice the writing conventions, such as using punctuation, finger spaces, re-reading their writing, editing and increasing their writing stamina.
In Numeracy,
- students will be using Rekenreks (counting frames) to consolidate their understanding of subutizing (recognising numbers) and number bonds to 20
- they will also learn about subtraction by breaking numbers into parts (part-part-whole) and using doubles and near doubles
- they will continue to work on their number fluency by playing games, singing counting songs and taking part in daily counting activities
- they will practice sharing objects into equal group.
In Inquiry, students will continue to engage in our unit ‘The Wonderful World of Toys’. Students will:
- explore new and old toys, how they are made and what they are made from
- make different toys in the classroom
- participate in incursions.
In Social and Emotional Learning,
- students will learn about being mindful and how to express gratitude
- they will discuss their likes and dislikes and how they can do anything they like to do, regardless of whether they’re a boy or girl.
Important Dates
Curriculum Day - Monday the 4th of November
Melbourne Cup - Tuesday the 5th of November
Whole School Swimming Program - Monday the 18th to Friday the 22th of November
Inquiry Incursion- Thursday the 7th of November
Prep Zoo Excursion - Tuesday the 3rd of December
Term 4 Reminders
- School starts at 8:50am and ends at 3:10pm
- School hats must be worn in Term 4 – our school has a no hat, no play policy
- Oxford words will be sent home in the red folders for reading and spelling practise
- Please bring a water bottle clearly labelled with your child's name.
Kind regards Prep Team
Diana Polazzon, Chiara Mackay, Kathrine Richardson